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Task.mk can be included in any standard GNUMakefile. If it's been properly sourced you will have access to the below features/recipes.

See examples for more info.

Builtin Recipes


Invoked with either make help or make h.

Adding goals to the builtin help recipe just requires documenting your Makefile with comments. The format is ## <recipe> |> <msg> or <recipe>: ## <msg>

## build |> build the project

build: ## build the project

Now when you invoke make help it will parse these and generate your help output. In addition you can add raw text to the help output using the format ### <rawmsg>.

Both recipe documentation and raw messages can be modified with additional arguments delimited by |>.

For example:

### build related recipes |> --align center --divider
build: ## build the project |> --msg-style bold
package: ## package the project |> -gs b_cyan

Task.mk can also generate recipe specific help regardless of whether a goal is documented. This can be invoked by appending the name of a recipe to help call: make help build.

All recipes prefixed with and underscore will be hidden even if documented. However, they can be viewed by invoking make _help.


In addition to a generic help output you can expose some configuration settings with make vars or make v. To do so define the variables you'd like to print with PRINT_VARS := VAR1 VAR2 VAR3.

Builtin Functions


Phonify is a new experimental feature of task.mk that solves one of the biggest gotchas of using make as a task runner! It stands to reason the tasks you document are likely to all be phony recipes Rather than write .PHONY: <goal> repeatedly, simply enable task.mk's phonifier.

Task.mk will then parse your Makefile for documented tasks and generate the necessary .PHONY: <recipes> line to ensure they are always executed. To use this feature set the PHONIFY environment variable before including .task.mk. To avoid adding a documented task/recipe to .PHONY, use |> --not-phony after the recipe message.


Besides the help and vars recipes you can use a custom make function to format your text for fancier output. For this there are two options depending on your needs tprint or tprint-verbose (tprint-verbose is for use within a multiline sub-shell that has already been silenced, see the version-check rule of this project's Makefile for an example).

To use tprint you call it with the builtin make call function. It accepts only one argument: an unquoted f-string literal. All strings passed to tprint have access to an object ansi or a for simplicity. This stores ANSI escape codes which can be used to style your text.

.PHONY: build
build: ## compile the source
  $(call tprint,{a.cyan}Build Starting{a.end})
  $(call tprint,{a.green}Build Finished{a.end})

See this projects make info for more examples of tprint.

To see the available colors and formatting(bold,italic,etc.) use the hidden recipe make _print-ansi.

In addition, you can use custom colors using the builtin ansi.custom or (a.custom) method. It has two optional arguments fg and bg. Which can be used to specify either an 8-bit color from the 256 colors. Or a tuple/list to define an RBG 24-bit color, for instance a.custom(fg=(5,10,255)). See this project's make info for an example.


You can quickly customize some of the default behavior of task.mk by overriding the below variables prior to the -include .task.mk. These can also for instance included in a seperate file .task.cfg.mk.

# ---- [config] ---- #
HEADER_STYLE ?= b_cyan
ACCENT_STYLE ?= b_yellow
MSG_STYLE ?= faint
DIVIDER_STYLE ?= default
DIVIDER ?=HELP_SEP ?=# python f-string literals
USAGE ?={ansi.$(HEADER_STYLE)}usage{ansi.end}:\n  make <recipe>\n

To use a custom color for one of the predefined configuration variables specify only the custom method.

HEADER_STYLE = custom(fg=171,bg=227)

NOTE: HELP_SEP does not change the argument definitions syntax only the format of make help.

Advanced Usage: Embedded Scripts

You can take advantage of the builtin python script runner and write multi-line python scripts of your own. This is a simple example but a few lines of python in your Makefile may be easier than balancing sub-shells and strung together awk commands.

When make expands the function it will take the parameters passed to py and expand them. $(1) is the variable name and $(2) in this case is the implicit pattern from the rule. Pay attention to quotes. If you need to debug your python script, use TASKMK_DEBUG=1 when you run make and it will first print the script that will be piped to python.

define list_files_py
from pathlib import Path
print("files in $(2)")
print([f.name for f in (Path("$(2)").iterdir())])

## list-% | use pathlib.Path to list files
	$(call py,list_files_py,$*)

For what it's worth there is also a predefined function for bash (named tbash) as well should you need to accomplish something similar of more easily embedding your bash script rather than having to escape every line with a backslash.

define bash_script
figlet task.mk 2>/dev/null || echo 'no figlet :('
echo "This is from bash"
cat /etc/hostname
printf "%s\n" "$(2)"
.PHONY: test-bash
	$(call tbash,bash_script,test bash multiline)