
152 lines
3.4 KiB

import std/[os, osproc, tables, times, strutils, terminal]
from std/nativesockets import getHostname
let summaryFile = getEnv("GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY")
proc info(args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
fgCyan, "oizys", resetStyle, "|",
styleDim, "INFO", resetStyle, "| ",
proc error(args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
fgCyan, "oizys", resetStyle, "|",
fgRed, "ERROR", resetStyle, "| ",
proc execQuit(cmd: string) =
quit (execCmd cmd)
OizysContext = object
flake, host: string
cache = "daylin"
nom: bool = true
proc newCtx(): OizysContext =
result = OizysContext()
result.flake = getEnv("FLAKE_PATH", getEnv("HOME") / "oizys")
result.host = getHostname()
proc check(c: OizysContext) =
if not dirExists c.flake:
error c.flake, " does not exist"
error "please use -f/--flake or $FLAKE_PATH"
quit 1
info "flake: ", c.flake
info "host: ", c.host
proc systemFlakePath(c: OizysContext): string =
c.flake & "#nixosConfigurations." & c.host & ".config.system.build.toplevel"
proc build(c: OizysContext) =
## build nixos
cmd = if c.nom: "nom" else: "nix"
execQuit cmd & " build " & c.systemFlakePath
proc dry(c: OizysContext) =
## poor man's nix flake check
execQuit "nix build " & c.systemFlakePath & " --dry-run"
proc cache(c: OizysContext) =
let start = now()
let code = execCmd """
cachix watch-exec """ & c.cache & """ \
-- \
nix build """ & c.systemFlakePath & """ \
--print-build-logs \
let duration = (now() - start)
if code != 0:
error "faile to build configuration for: ", c.host
if summaryFile != "":
"Built host: " & c.host & " in " & $duration & " seconds"
info "Built host: " & c.host & " in " & $duration & " seconds"
proc nixosRebuild(c: OizysContext, cmd: string) =
execQuit "sudo nixos-rebuild " & cmd & " " & " --flake " & c.flake
proc boot(c: OizysContext) =
## nixos rebuild boot
nixosRebuild c, "build"
proc switch(c: OizysContext) =
## nixos rebuild switch
nixosRebuild c, "switch"
const usage = """
oizys <cmd> [opts]
dry poor man's nix flake check
boot nixos-rebuild boot
switch nixos-rebuild switch
cache build and push to cachix
build build system flake
-h|--help show this help
--host hostname (current host)
-f|--flake path to flake ($FLAKE_PATH or $HOME/oizys)
-c|--cache name of cachix binary cache (daylin)
--no-nom don't use nix-output-monitor
proc runCmd(c: OizysContext, cmd: string) =
case cmd:
of "dry": dry c
of "switch": switch c
of "boot": boot c
of "cache": cache c
of "build": build c
error "unknown command: ", cmd
echo usage
quit 1
proc parseFlag(c: var OizysContext, key, val: string) =
case key:
of "h", "help":
echo usage; quit 0
of "host":
c.host = val
of "f", "flake":
c.flake = val
of "no-nom":
c.nom = false
when isMainModule:
import std/parseopt
c = newCtx()
cmd: string
for kind, key, val in getopt(longNoVal = @["no-nom"]):
case kind
of cmdArgument:
cmd = key
of cmdLongOption, cmdShortOption:
parseFlag c, key, val
of cmdEnd:
if cmd == "":
echo "please specify a command"
echo usage; quit 1
check c
runCmd c, cmd