viv isn't venv
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2023-05-25 13:43:47 -05:00
docs refactor!: activate -> use 2023-03-15 13:16:09 -05:00
examples chore: cleanup some types on standalone functions 2023-03-15 16:15:06 -05:00
scripts build: add hook to set version in 2023-03-15 15:16:12 -05:00
src/viv style: finish adding proper types 2023-05-25 13:43:47 -05:00
.gitignore style: finish adding proper types 2023-05-25 13:43:47 -05:00
.pre-commit-config.yaml style: finish adding proper types 2023-05-25 13:43:47 -05:00 build: update 2023-03-02 23:01:44 -06:00
LICENSE chore: add LICENSE 2022-12-26 08:03:58 -06:00
Makefile fix: make repo-based install version dependent by default 2023-03-15 15:01:05 -05:00
pdm.lock build: update versions 2023-03-02 23:01:34 -06:00
pyproject.toml style: finish adding proper types 2023-05-25 13:43:47 -05:00 chore: cleanup some types on standalone functions 2023-03-15 16:15:06 -05:00 style: finish adding proper types 2023-05-25 13:43:47 -05:00



viv isn't venv

See usage for more demo gifs.

Python is a great choice to quickly prototype or accomplish small tasks in scripts. However, leveraging it's vast ecosystem can be tedious for one-off or rarely used scripts. This is were viv comes in handy.

Viv is a standalone dependency-free venv creator. It is meant to be invoked in any script that has third-party dependencies, prior to loading of any of the external modules.

These venvs can be identified by name or by their specification. In any case they will be re-used across scripts (and generated on-demand, if needed).

Importantly, viv will remove your user site directory (python -m 'import site;print(site.USER_SITE)'), to ensure the script isn't using anything outside the standard library and the viv-managed venv.


Start by cloning the repo and symlinking the script for access to the CLI. By default it will symlink ./src/viv/ to ~/bin/viv. You can set PREFIX to symlink to a different location.

git clone --depth 1 --branch v22.12a3 ~/.viv
cd ~/.viv
make install # or PREFIX=~/.local/bin make install

Place this directory on the python path in your rc file.


Advanced users may recognize that principally, the module just needs to be recognized at run time and the single script at ./src/viv/ can be invoked directly for the CLI. How you accomplish these options is ultimately up to you but the above instructions can get you started.

pip install viv

Why is this not recommended? Mainly, because viv is all about hacking your sys.path. Placing it in it's own virtual environment or installing in a user site directory may complicate this endeavor.


In any python script with external dependencies you can add this line, to automate vivenv creation and installation of dependencies.


To remove all vivenvs:

viv remove $(viv list -q)

Standalone Viv

Requires python>=3.8

Supposing you want to increase the portability of your script while still employing viv.

The below function can be freely pasted at the top of your scripts and requires no modification of your PYTHONPATH or import of additional modules (including downloading/installing viv).

It can be auto-generated with for example: viv freeze <spec> --standalone.

The only part necessary to modify if copied verbatim from below is the call to _viv_use.

Output of viv freeze rich --standalone:

# <<<<< auto-generated by daylinmorgan/viv (v22.12a3-35-g0d0c66d-dev)
# fmt: off
def _viv_use(*pkgs: str, track_exe: bool = False, name: str = "") -> None:                                    # noqa
    i,s,m,e,spec=__import__,str,map,lambda x: True if x else False,[*pkgs]                                    # noqa
    if not {*m(type,pkgs)}=={s}: raise ValueError(f"spec: {pkgs} is invalid")                                 # noqa
    ge,sys,P,ew=i("os").getenv,i("sys"),i("pathlib").Path,i("sys").stderr.write                               # noqa
    (cache:=(P(ge("XDG_CACHE_HOME",P.home()/".cache"))/"viv"/"venvs")).mkdir(parents=True,exist_ok=True)      # noqa
    ((sha256:=i("hashlib").sha256()).update((s(spec)+                                                         # noqa
     (((exe:=("N/A",s(P(i("sys").executable).resolve()))[e(track_exe)])))).encode()))                         # noqa
    if (env:=cache/(name if name else (_id:=sha256.hexdigest()))) not in cache.glob("*/") or ge("VIV_FORCE"): # noqa
        v=e(ge("VIV_VERBOSE"));ew(f"generating new vivenv -> {}\n")                                   # noqa
        i("venv").EnvBuilder(with_pip=True,clear=True).create(env)                                            # noqa
        with (env/"pip.conf").open("w") as f:f.write("[global]\ndisable-pip-version-check=true")              # noqa
        if (p:=i("subprocess").run([env/"bin"/"pip","install","--force-reinstall",*spec],text=True,           # noqa
            stdout=(-1,None)[v],stderr=(-2,None)[v])).returncode!=0:                                          # noqa
            if env.is_dir():i("shutil").rmtree(env)                                                           # noqa
            ew(f"pip had non zero exit ({p.returncode})\n{p.stdout}\n");sys.exit(p.returncode)                # noqa
        with (env/"viv-info.json").open("w") as f:                                                            # noqa
            i("json").dump({"created":s(i("datetime"),"id":_id,"spec":spec,"exe":exe},f)    # noqa
    sys.path = [p for p in (*sys.path,s(*(env/"lib").glob("py*/si*"))) if p!=i("site").USER_SITE]             # noqa
_viv_use("markdown-it-py==2.2.0", "mdurl==0.1.2", "Pygments==2.14.0", "rich==13.3.2")                         # noqa
# fmt: on
# >>>>> code golfed with <3



pip-run (10.0.5)
├── autocommand (2.2.2)
├── jaraco-context (4.3.0)
├── jaraco-functools (3.6.0)
│   └── more-itertools (9.1.0)
├── jaraco-text (3.11.1)
│   ├── autocommand (2.2.2)
│   ├── inflect (6.0.2)
│   │   └── pydantic>=1.9.1 (1.10.5)
│   │       └── typing-extensions>=4.2.0 (4.5.0)
│   ├── jaraco-context>=4.1 (4.3.0)
│   ├── jaraco-functools (3.6.0)
│   │   └── more-itertools (9.1.0)
│   └── more-itertools (9.1.0)
├── more-itertools>=8.3 (9.1.0)
├── packaging (23.0)
├── path>=15.1 (16.6.0)
├── pip>=19.3 (23.0.1)
└── platformdirs (3.1.0)


pipx (1.1.0)
├── argcomplete>=1.9.4 (2.1.1)
├── packaging>=20.0 (23.0)
└── userpath>=1.6.0 (1.8.0)
    └── click (8.1.3)