--- layout: landing cover: http://viv.dayl.in/_static/logo.svg desciption: Viv isn't venv --- # viv isn't venv Try before you buy! ```sh python3 <(curl -fsSL viv.dayl.in/viv.py) run frogmouth -- gh daylinmorgan/viv ``` :::{container} buttons [Docs](/installation) [Github](https://github.com/daylinmorgan/viv) ::: `Viv` is a standalone dependency-free `venv` creator (just needs python + pip). `Viv` helps you ignore silly things like managing temporary or rarely used virtual environments, while still unleashing the full power of python scripting with it's entire ecosystem at your disposal. `Viv`'s uncompromising insistence on portability means that it will always, only use the standard library and never exceed a single script. ```{toctree} :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 installation.md usage.md configuration.md vs-others.md cli.md ```