name: Bug Report description: File a bug report labels: ["bug"] body: - type: markdown attributes: value: | A bug is when something works differently than it is expected to. ## Remember to search before filing a new report Please search for this bug in the issue tracker, and use a bug report title that would have made your bug report turn up in the search results for your search query. - type: textarea id: version attributes: label: "Viv & python/pip version info" description: Please include the output of `viv manage show --system` or `python3 <(curl -fsSL manage show --system` validations: required: true - type: textarea id: repro attributes: label: Steps to Reproduce and Observed Behavior description: What exactly can someone else do, in order to observe the problem that you observed? Include the output and all error messages. validations: required: true - type: textarea id: expected attributes: label: Expected Behavior description: What did you expect to happen instead? validations: required: true