# Configuration ## Environment Variables `VIV_RUN_MODE` : **ephemeral** (default): : `viv run` will generate a temporary directory that is removed following execution : **semi-ephemeral** : `viv run` will set the `VIV_CACHE` directory to `$TEMPDIR/viv-ephemeral-cache-$USER` : persist : `viv run` will always use the standard `VIV_CACHE` which maximizes reusable vivenvs `VIV_CACHE` : Path to use for vivenv cache by default `$XDG_CACHE_HOME/viv` or `$HOME/.cache/viv` `VIV_LOG_PATH` : Path to use for log file by default `$XDG_DATA_HOME/viv/viv.log` or `$HOME/.local/share/viv/viv.log` `VIV_BIN_DIR` : Path to use for shims by default `$HOME/.local/bin` `VIV_NO_SETUPTOOLS` : Don't add setuptools to generated vivenvs. : Many legacy packages expect setuptools to be available and don't appropriately declare it as a dependency. To minimize frustration `setuptools` is added to every dependency list. `VIV_FORCE` : Remove existence check and recreate vivenv `VIV_SPEC` : Space separated list of dependencies in addition to those in script `VIV_VERBOSE` : Show `pip` output in real time `VIV_DEBUG` : Set log level to `DEBUG` `FORCE_COLOR` : Force output to use ANSI escape codes `NO_COLOR` : Remove all ANSI escape codes from output