docs: update black shim with new standalone function

This commit is contained in:
Daylin Morgan 2023-06-01 09:51:15 -05:00
parent 2da0d30867
commit 3b74384bc6
Signed by: daylin
GPG key ID: C1E52E7DD81DF79F
2 changed files with 46 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ docs/ src/viv/
cp $< $@
examples/black: .FORCE
rm -f $@
viv shim black -s -f -o $@
clean: ## remove build artifacts
rm -rf {build,dist}
@ -39,4 +43,7 @@ generate-example-vivens: ##
for f in $(EXAMPLES); \
do python examples/$$f; done

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@ -1,26 +1,43 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# fmt: off
def _viv_use(*pkgs, track_exe=False, name=""): # noqa
T,F,N=True,False,None;i,s,m,spec=__import__,str,map,[*pkgs] # noqa
e,w=lambda x: T if x else F,lambda p,t: p.write_text(t) # noqa
if not {*m(type,pkgs)}=={s}: raise ValueError(f"spec: {pkgs} is invalid") # noqa
ge,sys,P,ew=i("os").getenv,i("sys"),i("pathlib").Path,i("sys").stderr.write # noqa
(cache:=(P(ge("XDG_CACHE_HOME",P.home()/".cache"))/"viv"/"venvs")).mkdir(parents=T,exist_ok=T) # noqa
((sha256:=i("hashlib").sha256()).update((s(spec)+ # noqa
(((exe:=("N/A",s(P(i("sys").executable).resolve()))[e(track_exe)])))).encode())) # noqa
if {env:=cache/(((_id:=sha256.hexdigest()),name)[e(name)])}-{*cache.glob("*/")} or ge("VIV_FORCE"): # noqa
v=e(ge("VIV_VERBOSE"));ew(f"generating new vivenv -> {}\n") # noqa
i("venv").EnvBuilder(with_pip=T,clear=T).create(env) # noqa
w(env/"pip.conf","[global]\ndisable-pip-version-check=true") # noqa
if (rc:=(p:=i("subprocess").run([env/"bin"/"pip","install","--force-reinstall",*spec],text=T, # noqa
stdout=(-1,N)[v],stderr=(-2,N)[v])).returncode)!=0: # noqa
if env.is_dir():i("shutil").rmtree(env) # noqa
ew(f"pip had non zero exit ({rc})\n{p.stdout}\n");sys.exit(rc) # noqa
w(env/"viv-info.json",i("json").dumps( # noqa
{"created":s(i("datetime"),"id":_id,"spec":spec,"exe":exe})) # noqa
sys.path=[p for p in (*sys.path,s(*(env/"lib").glob("py*/si*")))if p!=i("site").USER_SITE] # noqa
return env # noqa
# fmt: on
def _viv_use(*pkgs, track_exe=False, name=""):
import hashlib, json, os, site, shutil, sys, venv # noqa
from pathlib import Path # noqa
from datetime import datetime # noqa
from subprocess import run # noqa
if not {*map(type, pkgs)} == {str}:
raise ValueError(f"spec: {pkgs} is invalid")
meta = dict.fromkeys(("created", "accessed"), (t := str(
runner = str(Path(__file__).absolute().resolve())
force, verbose, xdg = map(os.getenv, ("VIV_FORCE", "VIV_VERBOSE", "XDG_CACHE_HOME"))
cache = (Path(xdg) if xdg else Path.home() / ".cache") / "viv" / "venvs"
cache.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
exe = str(Path(sys.executable).resolve()) if track_exe else "N/A"
(sha256 := hashlib.sha256()).update((str(spec := [*pkgs]) + exe).encode())
_id = sha256.hexdigest()
if (env := cache / (name if name else _id)) not in cache.glob("*/") or force:
sys.stderr.write(f"generating new vivenv -> {}\n")
venv.EnvBuilder(with_pip=True, clear=True).create(env)
(env / "pip.conf").write_text("[global]\ndisable-pip-version-check=true")
run_kw = dict(zip(("stdout", "stderr"), ((None,) * 2 if verbose else (-1, 2))))
p = run([env / "bin" / "pip", "install", "--force-reinstall", *spec], **run_kw)
if (rc := p.returncode) != 0:
if env.is_dir():
sys.stderr.write(f"pip had non zero exit ({rc})\n{p.stdout.decode()}\n")
meta.update(dict(id=_id, spec=spec, exe=exe, name=name, files=[runner]))
meta = json.loads((env / "vivmeta.json").read_text())
meta.update(dict(accessed=t, files=sorted({*meta["files"], runner})))
(env / "vivmeta.json").write_text(json.dumps(meta))
sys.path = [p for p in sys.path if not p != site.USER_SITE]
site.addsitedir(str(*(env / "lib").glob("py*/si*")))
return env
import subprocess
import sys