{"version": 2, "width": 60, "height": 20, "timestamp": 1664060088, "env": {"SHELL": "/usr/bin/zsh", "TERM": "xterm-256color"}} [0.008131, "o", "\u001b[H\u001b[2J\u001b[3J"] [0.008522, "o", "bash >> "] [0.008683, "o", "ma"] [0.189166, "o", "ke"] [0.279481, "o", " -"] [0.369776, "o", "f "] [0.460021, "o", "em"] [0.550229, "o", "be"] [0.640359, "o", "dd"] [0.730591, "o", "ed"] [0.820572, "o", "/e"] [0.910745, "o", "mb"] [1.091087, "o", "ed"] [1.181312, "o", "de"] [1.271441, "o", "d."] [1.361501, "o", "mk"] [1.451615, "o", " h"] [1.541783, "o", "el"] [1.63204, "o", "p\r\n"] [2.664242, "o", "\u001b[1;36musage:\u001b[0m\r\n\tmake \r\n\t\r\n\texamples of embedded scripts in `\u001b[35mMakefile\u001b[0m`\r\n\r\n \u001b[1;31m examples of task.mk features \u001b[0m\r\n\u001b[38m ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────\u001b[0m\r\n\u001b[1;33m list-%\u001b[0m │ \u001b[2muse pathlib.Path to list files\u001b[0m\r\n \u001b[2mname the directory in rule (make list-src)\u001b[0m\r\n\u001b[1;33m embedded-bash\u001b[0m │ \u001b[2mbash script with pipes and make input\u001b[0m\r\n\u001b[1;33m h, help\u001b[0m │ \u001b[2mshow this help\u001b[0m\r\n\r\n"] [4.671801, "o", "\u001b[H\u001b[2J\u001b[3Jbash >> "] [4.67392, "o", "ma"] [4.854455, "o", "ke"] [4.944728, "o", " -"] [5.034921, "o", "f "] [5.124982, "o", "em"] [5.215103, "o", "be"] [5.305188, "o", "dd"] [5.395353, "o", "ed"] [5.485457, "o", "/e"] [5.576246, "o", "mb"] [5.75589, "o", "ed"] [5.846014, "o", "de"] [5.93612, "o", "d."] [6.026298, "o", "mk"] [6.11644, "o", " l"] [6.206464, "o", "is"] [6.296631, "o", "t-"] [6.386781, "o", "em"] [6.477052, "o", "be"] [6.657201, "o", "dd"] [6.747412, "o", "ed"] [6.837566, "o", "\r\n"] [7.867599, "o", "files in embedded\r\n['embedded.mk', 'demo.cast', 'record.sh', 'index.md']\r\n"] [9.872436, "o", "\u001b[H\u001b[2J\u001b[3J"] [9.872754, "o", "bash >> "] [9.874651, "o", "ma"] [10.055031, "o", "ke"] [10.145171, "o", " -"] [10.235256, "o", "f "] [10.325347, "o", "em"] [10.415525, "o", "be"] [10.505721, "o", "dd"] [10.595814, "o", "ed"] [10.685931, "o", "/e"] [10.776068, "o", "mb"] [10.956362, "o", "ed"] [11.046547, "o", "de"] [11.136692, "o", "d."] [11.226851, "o", "mk"] [11.316894, "o", " e"] [11.406996, "o", "mb"] [11.497205, "o", "ed"] [11.58725, "o", "de"] [11.677471, "o", "d-"] [11.85761, "o", "ba"] [11.947917, "o", "sh"] [12.038071, "o", "\r\n"] [13.045213, "o", "Is the process running bash? We can check with ps\r\n"] [13.051057, "o", "bash\r\n"] [13.051385, "o", "What text to figlet? \r\n"] [14.434504, "o", "t"] [14.503239, "o", "a"] [14.605384, "o", "s"] [14.745978, "o", "k"] [14.946139, "o", "."] [15.080651, "o", "m"] [15.228545, "o", "k"] [15.617669, "o", "\r\n"] [15.618495, "o", " _ _ _ \r\n| |_ __ _ ___| | __ _ __ ___ | | __\r\n| __/ _` / __| |/ / | '_ ` _ \\| |/ /\r\n| || (_| \\__ \\ < _| | | | | | < \r\n \\__\\__,_|___/_|\\_(_)_| |_| |_|_|\\_\\\r\n \r\n"] [15.618636, "o", "the argument below as given in the makefile itself\r\n"] [15.618695, "o", "it's expanded before the script is passed to bash\r\nbash multiline is probably working\r\n"]