# }> [github.com/daylinmorgan/task.mk] <{ # # Copyright (c) 2022 Daylin Morgan # MIT License # version: v22.9.14-18-g1a018e2-dev # # task.mk should be included at the bottom of your Makefile with `-include .task.mk` # See below for the standard configuration options that should be set prior to including this file. # You can update your .task.mk with `make _update-task.mk` # ---- [config] ---- # HEADER_STYLE ?= b_cyan ACCENT_STYLE ?= b_yellow PARAMS_STYLE ?= $(ACCENT_STYLE) GOAL_STYLE ?= $(ACCENT_STYLE) MSG_STYLE ?= faint DIVIDER_STYLE ?= default DIVIDER ?= ─ HELP_SEP ?= │ # python f-string literals EPILOG ?= USAGE ?={ansi.$(HEADER_STYLE)}usage{ansi.end}:\n make # ---- [buitlin recipes] ---- # ## h, help | show this help .PHONY: help h help h: $(call py,help_py) .PHONY: _help _help: export SHOW_HIDDEN=true _help: help ifdef PRINT_VARS $(foreach v,$(PRINT_VARS),$(eval export $(v))) .PHONY: vars v vars v: $(call py,vars_py,$(PRINT_VARS)) endif ### | args: -ws --hidden ### task.mk builtins: | args: -d --hidden ## _print-ansi | show all possible ansi color code combinations .PHONY: _print-ansi: $(call py,print_ansi_py) # functions to take f-string literals and pass to python print tprint = $(call py,info_py,$(1)) tprint-sh = $(call pysh,info_py,$(1)) tconfirm = $(call py,confirm_py,$(1)) ## _update-task.mk | downloads latest development version of task.mk _update-task.mk: $(call tprint,{a.b_cyan}Updating task.mk{a.end}) curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/daylinmorgan/task.mk/main/task.mk -o .task.mk export MAKEFILE_LIST # ---- [python/bash script runner] ---- # define \n endef escape_shellstring = $(subst `,\`,$(subst ",\",$(subst $$,\$$,$(subst \,\\,$1)))) escape_printf = $(subst \,\\,$(subst %,%%,$1)) create_string = $(subst $(\n),\n,$(call escape_shellstring,$(call escape_printf,$1))) printline = printf -- "<----------------------------------->\n" ifdef DEBUG define _debug_runner @printf "$(1) Script:\n";$(printline); @printf "$(call create_string,$(3))\n" | cat -n @$(printline) @printf "$(call create_string,$(3))" | $(2) endef py = $(call _debug_runner,Python,python3,$($(1))) tbash = $(call _debug_runner,Bash,bash,$($(1))) else py = @python3 <(printf "$(call create_string,$($(1)))") tbash = @bash <(printf "$(call create_string,$($(1)))") endif pysh = python3 <(printf "$(call create_string,$($(1)))") # ---- [python scripts] ---- # define help_py import argparse from collections import namedtuple import os import re $(ansi_py) MaxLens = namedtuple("MaxLens", "goal msg") pattern = re.compile( r"^## (?P.*?) \| (?P.*?)(?:\s?\| args: (?P.*?))?$$|^### (?P.*?)?(?:\s?\| args: (?P.*?))?$$" ) def parseargs(argstring): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--align") parser.add_argument("-d", "--divider", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-ws", "--whitespace", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-ms", "--msg-style", type=str) parser.add_argument("-gs", "--goal-style", type=str) parser.add_argument("--hidden", action="store_true") return parser.parse_args(argstring.split()) def gen_makefile(): makefile = "" for file in os.getenv("MAKEFILE_LIST").split(): with open(file, "r") as f: makefile += f.read() + "\n\n" return makefile def parse_make(file): for line in file.splitlines(): match = pattern.search(line) if match: if not os.getenv("SHOW_HIDDEN") and str( match.groupdict().get("goal") ).startswith("_"): pass else: yield {k: v for k, v in match.groupdict().items() if v is not None} def fmt_goal(goal, msg, max_goal_len, argstr): args = parseargs(argstr) goal_style = args.goal_style.strip() if args.goal_style else "$(GOAL_STYLE)" msg_style = args.msg_style.strip() if args.msg_style else "$(MSG_STYLE)" return ( ansi.style(f" {goal:>{max_goal_len}}", goal_style) + " $(HELP_SEP) " + ansi.style(msg, msg_style) ) def fmt_rawmsg(msg, argstr, maxlens): args = parseargs(argstr) lines = [] msg_style = args.msg_style.strip() if args.msg_style else "$(MSG_STYLE)" if not os.getenv("SHOW_HIDDEN") and args.hidden: return [] if msg: if args.align == "sep": lines.append( f"{' '*(maxlens.goal+len('$(HELP_SEP)')+4)}{ansi.style(msg,msg_style)}" ) elif args.align == "center": lines.append(f" {ansi.style(msg.center(sum(maxlens)),msg_style)}") else: lines.append(f" {ansi.style(msg,msg_style)}") if args.divider: lines.append( ansi.style( f" {'$(DIVIDER)'*(len('$(HELP_SEP)')+sum(maxlens)+2)}", "$(DIVIDER_STYLE)", ) ) if args.whitespace: lines.append("\n") return lines def print_help(): lines = [f"""$(USAGE)"""] items = list(parse_make(gen_makefile())) maxlens = MaxLens( *(max((len(item[x]) for item in items if x in item)) for x in ["goal", "msg"]) ) for item in items: if "goal" in item: lines.append( fmt_goal( item["goal"], item["msg"], maxlens.goal, item.get("msgargs", "") ) ) if "rawmsg" in item: lines.extend(fmt_rawmsg(item["rawmsg"], item.get("rawargs", ""), maxlens)) lines.append(f"""$(EPILOG)""") print("\n".join(lines)) print_help() endef define ansi_py import os import sys color2byte = dict( black=0, red=1, green=2, yellow=3, blue=4, magenta=5, cyan=6, white=7, ) state2byte = dict( bold=1, faint=2, italic=3, underline=4, blink=5, fast_blink=6, crossed=9 ) addfg = lambda byte: byte + 30 addbg = lambda byte: byte + 40 class Ansi: """ANSI escape codes""" def __init__(self): self.setcode("end", "\033[0m") self.setcode("default", "\033[38m") self.setcode("bg_default", "\033[48m") for name, byte in color2byte.items(): self.setcode(name, f"\033[{addfg(byte)}m") self.setcode(f"b_{name}", f"\033[1;{addfg(byte)}m") self.setcode(f"d_{name}", f"\033[2;{addfg(byte)}m") for bgname, bgbyte in color2byte.items(): self.setcode( f"{name}_on_{bgname}", f"\033[{addbg(bgbyte)};{addfg(byte)}m" ) for name, byte in state2byte.items(): self.setcode(name, f"\033[{byte}m") def setcode(self, name, escape_code): """create attr for style and escape code""" if not sys.stdout.isatty() or os.getenv("NO_COLOR", False): setattr(self, name, "") else: setattr(self, name, escape_code) def custom(self, fg=None, bg=None): """use custom color""" code, end = "\033[", "m" if fg: if isinstance(fg, int): code += f"38;5;{fg}" elif (isinstance(fg, list) or isinstance(fg, tuple)) and len(fg) == 1: code += f"38;5;{fg[0]}" elif (isinstance(fg, list) or isinstance(fg, tuple)) and len(fg) == 3: code += f"38;2;{';'.join((str(i) for i in fg))}" else: print("Expected one or three values for fg as a list") sys.exit(1) if bg: if isinstance(bg, int): code += f"{';' if fg else ''}48;5;{bg}" elif (isinstance(bg, list) or isinstance(bg, tuple)) and len(bg) == 1: code += f"{';' if fg else ''}48;5;{bg[0]}" elif (isinstance(bg, list) or isinstance(bg, tuple)) and len(bg) == 3: code += f"{';' if fg else ''}48;2;{';'.join((str(i) for i in bg))}" else: print("Expected one or three values for bg as a list") sys.exit(1) return code + end def style(self, text, style): if style not in self.__dict__: print(f"unknown style: {style}") sys.exit(1) else: return f"{self.__dict__[style]}{text}{self.__dict__['end']}" a = ansi = Ansi() endef define info_py $(ansi_py) print(f"""$(2)""") endef define print_ansi_py $(ansi_py) codes_names = {getattr(ansi, attr): attr for attr in ansi.__dict__} for code in sorted(codes_names.keys(), key=lambda item: (len(item), item)): print( "{:>20} $(HELP_SEP) {} $(HELP_SEP) {}".format( codes_names[code], code + "******" + ansi.end, repr(code) ) ) endef define vars_py import os $(ansi_py) vars = "$2".split() length = max((len(v) for v in vars)) print(f"{ansi.$(HEADER_STYLE)}vars:{ansi.end}\n") for v in vars: print(f" {ansi.b_magenta}{v:<{length}}{ansi.end} = {os.getenv(v)}") print() endef define confirm_py import sys $(ansi_py) def confirm(): """ Ask user to enter Y or N (case-insensitive). :return: True if the answer is Y. :rtype: bool """ answer = "" while answer not in ["y", "n"]: answer = input(f"""$(2) {a.b_red}[Y/n]{a.end} """).lower() return answer == "y" if confirm(): sys.exit(0) else: sys.exit(1) endef