{"version": 2, "width": 60, "height": 20, "timestamp": 1664055171, "env": {"SHELL": "/usr/bin/zsh", "TERM": "xterm-256color"}} [0.007548, "o", "\u001b[H\u001b[2J\u001b[3J"] [0.007965, "o", "bash >> "] [0.008893, "o", "m"] [0.189592, "o", "a"] [0.279902, "o", "k"] [0.370173, "o", "e"] [0.46048, "o", " -"] [0.550759, "o", "f"] [0.641007, "o", " "] [0.731306, "o", "e"] [0.82157, "o", "m"] [0.91184, "o", "be"] [1.092319, "o", "d"] [1.182603, "o", "d"] [1.272876, "o", "e"] [1.363132, "o", "d"] [1.453425, "o", "/e"] [1.543751, "o", "m"] [1.634046, "o", "b"] [1.724319, "o", "e"] [1.814478, "o", "d"] [1.994943, "o", "de"] [2.08497, "o", "d"] [2.175374, "o", "."] [2.265531, "o", "m"] [2.355687, "o", "k"] [2.446017, "o", " h"] [2.536139, "o", "e"] [2.62642, "o", "l"] [2.716714, "o", "p"] [2.89738, "o", "\r\n"] [3.954163, "o", "\u001b[1;36musage:\u001b[0m\r\n\tmake \r\n\t\r\n\texamples of embedded scripts in `\u001b[35mMakefile\u001b[0m`\r\n\r\n \u001b[1;31m examples of task.mk features \u001b[0m\r\n\u001b[38m ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────\u001b[0m\r\n\u001b[1;33m list-%\u001b[0m │ \u001b[2muse pathlib.Path to list files\u001b[0m\r\n \u001b[2mname the directory in rule (make list-src)\u001b[0m\r\n\u001b[1;33m embedded-bash\u001b[0m │ \u001b[2mbash script with pipes and make input\u001b[0m\r\n\u001b[1;33m h, help\u001b[0m │ \u001b[2mshow this help\u001b[0m\r\n\r\n"] [5.96112, "o", "\u001b[H\u001b[2J\u001b[3J"] [5.961251, "o", "bash >> "] [5.963433, "o", "m"] [6.143921, "o", "a"] [6.234271, "o", "k"] [6.324575, "o", "e"] [6.414644, "o", " -"] [6.504995, "o", "f"] [6.595278, "o", " "] [6.685565, "o", "e"] [6.775839, "o", "m"] [6.866104, "o", "be"] [7.046619, "o", "d"] [7.13684, "o", "d"] [7.227116, "o", "e"] [7.317391, "o", "d"] [7.407672, "o", "/e"] [7.497991, "o", "m"] [7.588331, "o", "b"] [7.678569, "o", "e"] [7.768707, "o", "d"] [7.949266, "o", "de"] [8.039579, "o", "d"] [8.129824, "o", "."] [8.220093, "o", "m"] [8.31034, "o", "k"] [8.400625, "o", " l"] [8.490922, "o", "i"] [8.58116, "o", "s"] [8.671454, "o", "t"] [8.851981, "o", "-"] [8.942245, "o", "em"] [9.032522, "o", "b"] [9.122833, "o", "e"] [9.213072, "o", "d"] [9.303191, "o", "d"] [9.393526, "o", "ed"] [9.483821, "o", "\r\n"] [10.511808, "o", "files in embedded\r\n['embedded.mk', 'demo.cast', 'record.sh', 'index.md']\r\n"] [12.516872, "o", "\u001b[H\u001b[2J\u001b[3J"] [12.516965, "o", "bash >> "] [12.519222, "o", "m"] [12.699954, "o", "a"] [12.79021, "o", "k"] [12.880615, "o", "e"] [12.970893, "o", " -"] [13.060977, "o", "f"] [13.151349, "o", " "] [13.241652, "o", "e"] [13.331738, "o", "m"] [13.422141, "o", "be"] [13.602788, "o", "d"] [13.693079, "o", "d"] [13.78338, "o", "e"] [13.873565, "o", "d"] [13.963954, "o", "/e"] [14.054191, "o", "m"] [14.144518, "o", "b"] [14.234841, "o", "e"] [14.324789, "o", "d"] [14.505231, "o", "de"] [14.595381, "o", "d"] [14.685581, "o", "."] [14.775855, "o", "m"] [14.866138, "o", "k"] [14.956373, "o", " e"] [15.046669, "o", "m"] [15.136992, "o", "b"] [15.227273, "o", "e"] [15.407799, "o", "d"] [15.498095, "o", "de"] [15.58824, "o", "d"] [15.678556, "o", "-"] [15.768832, "o", "b"] [15.859114, "o", "a"] [15.949388, "o", "sh"] [16.039697, "o", "\r\n"] [17.054528, "o", "Is the process running bash? We can check with ps\r\n"] [17.067654, "o", "bash\r\n"] [17.06844, "o", "What text to figlet? \r\n"] [18.253061, "o", "t"] [18.321446, "o", "a"] [18.407375, "o", "s"] [18.517678, "o", "k"] [18.724567, "o", "."] [18.983186, "o", "m"] [19.122527, "o", "k"] [19.555889, "o", "\r\n"] [19.558381, "o", " _ _ _ \r\n| |_ __ _ ___| | __ _ __ ___ | | __\r\n| __/ _` / __| |/ / | '_ ` _ \\| |/ /\r\n| || (_| \\__ \\ < _| | | | | | < \r\n \\__\\__,_|___/_|\\_(_)_| |_| |_|_|\\_\\\r\n \r\n"] [19.558838, "o", "the argument below as given in the makefile itself\r\nit's expanded before the script is passed to bash\r\n"] [19.559049, "o", "bash multiline is probably working\r\n"]