# ---- [builtin recipes] ---- # ifeq (help,$(firstword $(MAKECMDGOALS))) HELP_ARGS := $(wordlist 2,$(words $(MAKECMDGOALS)),$(MAKECMDGOALS)) export HELP_ARGS endif h help: ## show this help $(call py,help_py) _help: export SHOW_HIDDEN=true _help: help ifdef PRINT_VARS TASKMK_VARS=$(subst $(eval ) ,<|>,$(foreach v,$(PRINT_VARS),$(v)=$($(v)))) .PHONY: vars v v vars: $(call py,vars_py,$(TASKMK_VARS)) endif ### |> -ws --hidden ### task.mk builtins: |> -d --hidden _print-ansi: ## show all possible ansi color code combinations $(call py,print_ansi_py) # functions to take f-string literals and pass to python print tprint = $(call py,print_py,$(1)) tprint-sh = $(call pysh,print_py,$(1)) tconfirm = $(call py,confirm_py,$(1)) _update-task.mk: ## downloads latest development version of task.mk $(call tprint,{a.b_cyan}Updating task.mk{a.end}) curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/daylinmorgan/task.mk/main/task.mk -o .task.mk .PHONY: h help _help _print-ansi _update-task.mk TASK_MAKEFILE_LIST := $(filter-out $(word $(words $(MAKEFILE_LIST)),$(MAKEFILE_LIST)),$(MAKEFILE_LIST)) export MAKEFILE_LIST MAKE TASK_MAKEFILE_LIST ifndef INHERIT_SHELL SHELL := $(shell which bash) endif