
nix begat oizys

This is a custom multi-host [nixos](https://nixos.org) flake. See below for the currently maintained hosts. ## hosts
rune name system
othalan Thinkpad Carbon X1 Gen 9
algiz Hetzner Cloud hosting forgejo,soft-serve & gts
mannaz Custom AMD Tower with Nvidia 1050ti
## oizys cli A small helper utility that mostly just wraps `nix` commands for convenience. ```sh nix run "github:daylinmorgan/oizys" ``` ``` nix begat oizys Usage: oizys [command] Available Commands: boot nixos rebuild boot build A brief description of your command cache build and push to cachix dry poor man's nix flake check help Help about any command output show nixosConfiguration attr switch nixos rebuild switch Flags: --flake string path to flake ($OIZYS_DIR or $HOME/oizys) -h, --help help for oizys --host string host to build (current host) Use "oizys [command] --help" for more information about a command. ``` ## oizys? Oizys was birthed by the goddess Nyx/Nix and embodies suffering and misery. Which is all that awaits you if you embrace nix. --- > [!NOTE] > I don't use home-manager to manager my shell/user configs. You can find those in my separate `chezmoi`-managed [`dotfiles`](https://git.dayl.in/daylin/dotfiles) repository.