## nix begat oizys import std/[os, tables, sequtils, strformat,] import cligen, bbansi import oizys/[context, github, nix, overlay, logging] addHandler( newFancyConsoleLogger( levelThreshold=lvlAll, useStderr = true, fmtPrefix = $bb"[b magenta]oizys" ) ) overlay: proc pre( flake: string = "", host: seq[string] = @[], debug: bool = false, resetCache: bool = false, rest: seq[string], ) = if not debug: setLogFilter(lvlInfo) updateContext(host, flake, debug, resetCache) proc dry(minimal: bool = false) = ## dry run build nixBuildHostDry(minimal, rest) proc output(yes: bool = false) = ## output echo nixosConfigAttrs().join(" ") proc update(yes: bool = false) = ## *TBI* update and run nixos-rebuild fatal "not implemented" proc build(minimal: bool = false) = ## nix build nixBuild(minimal, rest) proc cache(minimal: bool = false, name: string = "daylin") = ## build and push to cachix nixBuildWithCache(minimal, name, rest) proc osCmd() = ## nixos-rebuild if len(rest) == 0: quit "please provide subcmd" let subcmd = rest[0] if subcmd notin nixosSubcmds: error ( &"unknown nixos-rebuild subcmd: {subcmd}\nexpected one of: \n" & nixosSubcmds.mapIt(" " & it).join("\n") ); quit QuitFailure nixosRebuild(subcmd, rest[1..^1]) proc ci(`ref`: string = "main") = ## trigger GHA update flow if rest.len == 0: fatal "expected workflow file name"; quit QuitFailure createDispatch(rest[0], `ref`) proc checkExes() = if findExe("nix") == "": quit("oizys requires nix", QuitFailure) proc `//`(t1: Table[string, string], t2: Table[string, string]): Table[string, string] = # nix style shallow table merge for k, v in t1.pairs(): result[k] = v for k, v in t2.pairs(): result[k] = v proc setupCligen() = let isColor = getEnv("NO_COLOR") == "" if clCfg.useMulti == "": clCfg.useMulti = if isColor: "${doc}\e[1mUsage\e[m:\n $command {SUBCMD} [sub-command options & parameters]\n\n\e[1msubcommands\e[m:\n$subcmds" else: "${doc}Usage:\n $command {SUBCMD} [sub-command options & parameters]\n\nsubcommands:\n$subcmds" if not isColor: return if clCfg.helpAttr.len == 0: clCfg.helpAttr = {"cmd": "\e[1;36m", "clDescrip": "", "clDflVal": "\e[33m", "clOptKeys": "\e[32m", "clValType": "\e[31m", "args": "\e[3m"}.toTable() clCfg.helpAttrOff = {"cmd": "\e[m", "clDescrip": "\e[m", "clDflVal": "\e[m", "clOptKeys": "\e[m", "clValType": "\e[m", "args": "\e[m"}.toTable() # clCfg.use does nothing? clCfg.useHdr = "\e[1mUsage\e[m:\n " when isMainModule: checkExes() setupCligen() let (optOpen, optClose) = if getEnv("NO_COLOR") == "": ("\e[1m","\e[m") else: ("","") let usage = &"$command [flags]\n$doc{optOpen}Options{optClose}:\n$options" osUsage = &"$command [subcmd] [flags]\n$doc{optOpen}Options{optClose}:\n$options" const sharedHelp = { "flake" : "path/to/flake", "host" : "host(s) to build", "debug" : "enable debug mode", "resetCache" : "set cache timeout to 0" }.toTable() updateHelp = { "yes" : "skip all confirmation prompts" }.toTable() // sharedHelp ciHelp = { "ref" : "git ref/branch/tag to trigger workflow on" }.toTable() cacheHelp = { "name" : "name of cachix binary cache" }.toTable() // sharedHelp # setting clCfg.use wasn't working? dispatchMulti( [build, help = sharedHelp, usage = usage], [cache, help = cacheHelp, usage = usage], [ci, help = ciHelp, usage = usage], [dry, help = sharedHelp, usage = usage], [osCmd, help = sharedHelp, usage = osUsage, cmdName = "os"], [output, help = sharedHelp, usage = usage], [update, help = updateHelp, usage = usage], )