{ inputs, pkgs, self, flake, enabled, ... }: { imports = with self.nixosModules; [ git ]; programs.zsh = enabled; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ tmux unzip zip less gnumake gcc file wget curl htop (flake.pkg "self") pkgs.nix-output-monitor sops nix-eval-jobs ]; nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true; nix.package = (flake.pkgs "self").lix; nix = { optimise.automatic = true; gc = { automatic = true; dates = "weekly"; options = "--delete-older-than 7d"; }; # use the same nixpkgs for nix run "nixpkgs#hello" style commands registry.nixpkgs.flake = inputs.nixpkgs; }; nix = { settings = { experimental-features = [ "nix-command" "flakes" "pipe-operator" ]; use-xdg-base-directories = true; trusted-users = [ "@wheel" ]; accept-flake-config = true; # extra-substituters = [ # "https://attic.dayl.in/oizys" # "https://nix-cache.dayl.in" # # "https://nixpkgs-wayland.cachix.org" # # "https://hyprland.cachix.org" # # "https://daylin.cachix.org" # ]; # extra-trusted-public-keys = [ # "oizys:DSw3mwVMM/Y+PXSVpkDlU5dLwlORuiJRGPkwr5INSMc=" # "nix-cache.dayl.in-1:lj22Sov7m1snupBz/43O1fxyEfy/S7cxBpweD7iREcs=" # # "nixpkgs-wayland.cachix.org-1:3lwxaILxMRkVhehr5StQprHdEo4IrE8sRho9R9HOLYA=" # # "hyprland.cachix.org-1:a7pgxzMz7+chwVL3/pzj6jIBMioiJM7ypFP8PwtkuGc=" # # "daylin.cachix.org-1:fLdSnbhKjtOVea6H9KqXeir+PyhO+sDSPhEW66ClE/k=" # ]; } // ((builtins.readFile ../pkgs/oizys/src/oizys/substituters.json) |> builtins.fromJSON); }; }