inputs: final: prev: let inherit (builtins) listToAttrs substring replaceStrings map filter attrNames readDir readFile pathExists length ; inherit (final) concatStringsSep hasSuffix mkEnableOption mkIf mkOption types hasPrefix splitString removePrefix trim ; inherit (final.filesystem) listFilesRecursive; in let enabled = { enable = true; }; disabled = { enable = false; }; # split a string on newlines and pipes to generate list # "opt1|opt2" |> listify -> ["opt1" "opt2"] # '' # opt1 # opt2|opt3 # '' |> listify ["opt1" "opt2" "opt3"] listify = s: s |> replaceStrings [ "\n" ] [ "|" ] |> splitString "|" |> filter (s': s' != "") |> map (s': trim s'); # ["a" "b"] -> {a.enable = true; b.enable = true;} enableAttrs = attrs: attrs |> map (attr: { name = attr; value = enabled; }) |> listToAttrs; # ["a" "b"] -> {a.enable = false; b.enable = false;} disableAttrs = attrs: attrs |> map (attr: { name = attr; value = disabled; }) |> listToAttrs; mkIfIn = name: list: prev.mkIf (builtins.elem name list); mkOizysModule = config: attr: content: { options.oizys.${attr}.enable = mkEnableOption "enable ${attr} support"; config = mkIf config.oizys.${attr}.enable content; }; mkDefaultOizysModule = config: attr: content: { options.oizys.${attr}.enable = mkOption { default = true; description = "enable ${attr} support"; type = types.bool; }; config = mkIf config.oizys.${attr}.enable content; }; # generate date string with '-' from long date mkDate = longDate: (concatStringsSep "-" [ (substring 0 4 longDate) (substring 4 2 longDate) (substring 6 2 longDate) ]); flakeVer = flake: "${flake.shortRev or flake.dirtyShortRev}-${mkDate (toString flake.lastModifiedDate)}"; isNixFile = p: p |> hasSuffix ".nix"; isDefaultNixFile = p: p |> hasSuffix "default.nix"; # filterNotDefaultNixFile = paths: filter (p: !(isDefaultNixFile p) && (isNixFile p)) paths; filterNotDefaultNixFile = paths: paths |> filter (p: !(isDefaultNixFile p) && (isNixFile p)); # listNixFilesRecursive = dir: filterNotDefaultNixFile (listFilesRecursive dir); listNixFilesRecursive = dir: dir |> listFilesRecursive |> filterNotDefaultNixFile; # defaultLinuxPackage = flake: flake.packages.x86_64-linux.default; # defaultPackageGeneric = system: flake: "${flake}.packages.${system}.default"; pkgsFromSystem = system: flake: inputs."${flake}".packages."${system}"; pkgFromSystem = system: flake: (pkgsFromSystem system flake).default; overlayFrom = flake: inputs."${flake}".overlays.default; nixosModuleFrom = flake: inputs."${flake}".nixosModules.default; flakeFromSystem = system: { overlay = overlayFrom; module = nixosModuleFrom; pkgs = pkgsFromSystem system; pkg = pkgFromSystem system; }; loadOverlays = inputs: dir: readDir dir |> attrNames |> filter (f: f != "default.nix") |> map (f: import (../overlays + "/${f}") { inherit inputs; }); readLinesNoComment = f: f |> readFile |> splitString "\n" |> filter (line: !(hasPrefix "#" line) && line != ""); pathFromHostName = host: ../. + "/hosts/${host}"; hostFiles = host: host |> pathFromHostName |> listFilesRecursive |> filter isNixFile; # if the specified path doesn't exist returns an empty array tryReadLinesNoComment = f: if pathExists f then (readLinesNoComment f) else [ ]; tryreadEnabledAttrsOrEmpty = p: p |> tryReadLinesNoComment |> (lines: if (length lines) > 0 then lines |> enableAttrs else { }); oizysSettings = hostName: hostName |> pathFromHostName |> ( p: { languages = tryReadLinesNoComment "${p}/settings/languages"; } // (tryreadEnabledAttrsOrEmpty "${p}/settings/modules") ); # convert the following: # ```txt # flake:utils # sops # graphviz # ``` # to # ```nix # [ # (flake.pkg "utils") # pkgs.sops # pkgs.graphviz # ] # ``` tryPkgsFromFile = { hostName, pkgs, flake ? flakeFromSystem pkgs.system }: hostName |> pathFromHostName |> (p: "${p}/settings/pkgs") |> tryReadLinesNoComment |> map ( line: if hasPrefix "flake:" line then (line |> removePrefix "flake:" |> flake.pkg) else pkgs.${line} ); in { inherit enabled disabled enableAttrs disableAttrs mkOizysModule mkDefaultOizysModule mkDate mkIfIn isNixFile listNixFilesRecursive flakeVer pkgsFromSystem pkgFromSystem overlayFrom flakeFromSystem listify loadOverlays hostFiles oizysSettings tryPkgsFromFile ; }