
442 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf8
import re
import sys
class FontnameTools:
"""Deconstruct a font filename to get standardized name parts"""
def front_upper(word):
"""Capitalize a string (but keep case of subsequent chars)"""
return word[:1].upper() + word[1:]
def camel_casify(word):
"""Remove blanks and use CamelCase for the new word"""
return "".join(map(FontnameTools.front_upper, word.split(" ")))
def camel_explode(word):
"""Explode CamelCase -> Camel Case"""
# But do not explode "JetBrains" etc at string start...
excludes = [
m = re.match("(" + "|".join(excludes) + ")(.*)", word)
(prefix, word) =, 2) if m != None else ("", word)
if len(word) == 0:
return prefix
parts = re.split("(?<=[a-z0-9])(?=[A-Z])", word)
if len(prefix):
parts.insert(0, prefix)
return " ".join(parts)
def drop_empty(l):
"""Remove empty strings from list of strings"""
return [x for x in l if len(x) > 0]
def concat(*all_things):
"""Flatten list of (strings or lists of strings) to a blank-separated string"""
all = []
for thing in all_things:
if type(thing) is not list:
all += thing
return " ".join(FontnameTools.drop_empty(all))
def unify_style_names(style_name):
"""Substitude some known token with standard wording"""
known_names = {
# Source of the table is the current sourcefonts
# Left side needs to be lower case
"-": "",
"book": "",
"text": "",
"ce": "CE",
#'semibold': 'Demi',
"ob": "Oblique",
"it": "Italic",
"i": "Italic",
"b": "Bold",
"normal": "Regular",
"c": "Condensed",
"r": "Regular",
"m": "Medium",
"l": "Light",
if style_name in known_names:
return known_names[style_name.lower()]
return style_name
def find_in_dicts(key, dicts):
"""Find an entry in a list of dicts, return entry and in which list it was"""
for i, d in enumerate(dicts):
if key in d:
return (d[key], i)
return (None, 0)
def get_shorten_form_idx(aggressive, prefix, form_if_prefixed):
"""Get the tuple index of known_* data tables"""
if aggressive:
return 0
if len(prefix):
return form_if_prefixed
return 1
def shorten_style_name(name, aggressive):
"""Substitude some known styles to short form"""
# If aggressive is False create the mild short form
# aggressive == True: Always use first form of everything
# aggressive == False:
# - has no modifier: use the second form
# - has modifier: use second form of mod plus first form of weights2
# - has modifier: use second form of mod plus second form of widths
name_rest = name
name_pre = ""
form = FontnameTools.get_shorten_form_idx(aggressive, "", 0)
for mod in FontnameTools.known_modifiers:
if name.startswith(mod) and len(name) > len(
): # Second condition specifically for 'Demi'
name_pre = FontnameTools.known_modifiers[mod][form]
name_rest = name[len(mod) :]
subst, i = FontnameTools.find_in_dicts(
name_rest, [FontnameTools.known_weights2, FontnameTools.known_widths]
form = FontnameTools.get_shorten_form_idx(aggressive, name_pre, i)
if isinstance(subst, tuple):
return name_pre + subst[form]
if not len(name_pre):
# The following sets do not allow modifiers
subst, _ = FontnameTools.find_in_dicts(
name_rest, [FontnameTools.known_weights1, FontnameTools.known_slopes]
if isinstance(subst, tuple):
return subst[form]
return name
def short_styles(lists, aggressive):
"""Shorten all style names in a list or a list of lists"""
if not len(lists) or not isinstance(lists[0], list):
return list(
map(lambda x: FontnameTools.shorten_style_name(x, aggressive), lists)
return [
list(map(lambda x: FontnameTools.shorten_style_name(x, aggressive), styles))
for styles in lists
def make_oblique_style(weights, styles):
"""Move "Oblique" from weights to styles for font naming purposes"""
if "Oblique" in weights:
weights = list(weights)
styles = list(styles)
return (weights, styles)
def get_name_token(name, tokens, allow_regex_token=False):
"""Try to find any case insensitive token from tokens in the name, return tuple with found token-list and rest"""
# The default mode (allow_regex_token = False) will try to find any verbatim string in the
# tokens list (case insensitive matching) and give that tokens list item back with
# unchanged case (i.e. [ 'Bold' ] will match "bold" and return it as [ 'Bold', ]
# In the regex mode (allow_regex_token = True) it will use the tokens elements as
# regexes and return the original (i.e. from name) case.
# Token are always used in a regex and may not capture, use non capturing
# grouping if needed (?: ... )
lower_tokens = [t.lower() for t in tokens]
not_matched = ""
all_tokens = []
j = 1
regex = re.compile("(.*?)(" + "|".join(tokens) + ")(.*)", re.IGNORECASE)
while j:
j = regex.match(name)
if not j:
if len(j.groups()) != 3:
sys.exit("Malformed regex in FontnameTools.get_name_token()")
not_matched += (
" " + j.groups()[0]
) # Blanc prevents unwanted concatenation of unmatched substrings
tok = j.groups()[1].lower()
if tok in lower_tokens:
tok = tokens[lower_tokens.index(tok)]
tok = FontnameTools.unify_style_names(tok)
if len(tok):
name = j.groups()[2] # Recurse rest
not_matched += " " + name
return (not_matched.strip(), all_tokens)
def postscript_char_filter(name):
"""Filter out characters that are not allowed in Postscript names"""
# The name string must be restricted to the printable ASCII subset, codes 33 to 126,
# except for the 10 characters '[', ']', '(', ')', '{', '}', '<', '>', '/', '%'
out = ""
for c in name:
if c in "[](){}<>/%" or ord(c) < 33 or ord(c) > 126:
out += c
return out
("(a)nonymous", r"\1nonymice"),
("(b)itstream( ?)(v)era( ?sans ?mono)?", r"\1itstrom\2Wera"),
("(s)ource", r"\1auce"),
("(h)ermit", r"\1urmit"),
("(h)asklig", r"\1asklug"),
("(s)hare", r"\1hure"),
("IBM[- ]?plex", r"Blex"), # We do not keep the case here
("(t)erminus", r"\1erminess"),
("(l)iberation", r"\1iteration"),
("iA([- ]?)writer", r"iM\1Writing"),
("(a)nka/(c)oder", r"\1na\2onder"),
("(c)ascadia( ?)(c)ode", r"\1askaydia\2\3ove"),
("(c)ascadia( ?)(m)ono", r"\1askaydia\2\3ono"),
("(m)( ?)plus", r"\1+"), # Added this, because they use a plus symbol :->
("Gohufont", r"GohuFont"), # Correct to CamelCase
# Noone cares that font names starting with a digit are forbidden:
("IBM 3270", r"3270"), # for historical reasons and 'IBM' is a TM or something
# Some name parts that are too long for us
("(.*sans ?m)ono", r"\1"), # Various SomenameSansMono fonts
("(.*code ?lat)in Expanded", r"\1X"), # for 'M PLUS Code Latin Expanded'
("(.*code ?lat)in", r"\1"), # for 'M PLUS Code Latin'
("(b)ig( ?)(b)lue( ?)(t)erminal", r"\1ig\3lue\5erm"), # Shorten BigBlueTerminal
("(.*)437TT", r"\g<1>437"), # Shorten BigBlueTerminal 437 TT even further
("(.*dyslexic ?alt)a", r"\1"), # Open Dyslexic Alta -> Open Dyslexic Alt
("(.*dyslexic ?m)ono", r"\1"), # Open Dyslexic Mono -> Open Dyslexic M
("(overpass ?m)ono", r"\1"), # Overpass Mono -> Overpass M
("(proggyclean) ?tt", r"\1"), # Remove TT from ProggyClean
"(terminess) ?\(ttf\)",
), # Remove TTF from Terminus (after renamed to Terminess)
("(im ?writing ?q)uattro", r"\1uat"), # Rename iM Writing Quattro to Quat
"(im ?writing ?(mono|duo|quat)) ?s",
), # Remove S from all iM Writing styles
# From
# The first short variant is from the linked table.
# The second (longer) short variant is from diverse fonts like Noto.
# We can
# - use the long form
# - use the very short form (first)
# - use mild short form:
# - has no modifier: use the second form
# - has modifier: use second form of mod plus first form of weights2
# - has modifier: use second form of mod plus second form of widths
# This is encoded in get_shorten_form_idx()
known_weights1 = { # can not take modifiers
"Medium": ("Md", "Med"),
"Nord": ("Nd", "Nord"),
"Book": ("Bk", "Book"),
"Poster": ("Po", "Poster"),
"Demi": (
), # Demi is sometimes used as a weight, sometimes as a modifier
"Regular": ("Rg", "Reg"),
"Display": ("DS", "Disp"),
"Super": ("Su", "Sup"),
"Retina": ("Rt", "Ret"),
known_weights2 = { # can take modifiers
"Black": ("Blk", "Black"),
"Bold": ("Bd", "Bold"),
"Heavy": ("Hv", "Heavy"),
"Thin": ("Th", "Thin"),
"Light": ("Lt", "Light"),
" ": (), # Just for CodeClimate :-/
known_widths = { # can take modifiers
"Compressed": ("Cm", "Comp"),
"Extended": ("Ex", "Extd"),
"Condensed": ("Cn", "Cond"),
"Narrow": ("Nr", "Narrow"),
"Compact": ("Ct", "Compact"),
known_slopes = { # can not take modifiers
"Inclined": ("Ic", "Incl"),
"Oblique": ("Obl", "Obl"),
"Italic": ("It", "Italic"),
"Upright": ("Up", "Uprght"),
"Kursiv": ("Ks", "Kurs"),
"Sloped": ("Sl", "Slop"),
known_modifiers = {
"Demi": ("Dm", "Dem"),
"Ultra": ("Ult", "Ult"),
"Semi": ("Sm", "Sem"),
"Extra": ("X", "Ext"),
def is_keep_regular(basename):
"""This has been decided by the font designers, we need to mimic that (for comparison purposes)"""
"Inconsolata$", # not InconsolataGo
"JetBrains Mono",
"Noto Sans",
"Noto Serif",
for kr in KEEP_REGULAR:
if (basename.rstrip() + "$").startswith(kr):
return True
return False
def _parse_simple_font_name(name):
"""Parse a filename that does not follow the 'FontFamilyName-FontStyle' pattern"""
# No dash in name, maybe we have blanc separated filename?
if " " in name:
return FontnameTools.parse_font_name(name.replace(" ", "-"))
# Do we have a number-name boundary?
p = re.split("(?<=[0-9])(?=[a-zA-Z])", name)
if len(p) > 1:
return FontnameTools.parse_font_name("-".join(p))
# Or do we have CamelCase?
n = FontnameTools.camel_explode(name)
if n != name:
return FontnameTools.parse_font_name(n.replace(" ", "-"))
return (False, FontnameTools.camel_casify(name), [], [], [], "")
def parse_font_name(name):
"""Expects a filename following the 'FontFamilyName-FontStyle' pattern and returns ... parts"""
name = re.sub(
r"\bsemi-condensed\b", "SemiCondensed", name, 1, re.IGNORECASE
) # Just for "3270 Semi-Condensed" :-/
name = re.sub("[_\s]+", " ", name)
matches = re.match(r"([^-]+)(?:-(.*))?", name)
familyname = FontnameTools.camel_casify(
style =
if not style:
return FontnameTools._parse_simple_font_name(name)
# These are the FontStyle keywords we know, in three categories
# Weights end up as Typographic Family parts ('after the dash')
# Styles end up as Family parts (for classic grouping of four)
# Others also end up in Typographic Family ('before the dash')
weights = (
m + s
for s in list(FontnameTools.known_weights2)
+ list(FontnameTools.known_widths)
for m in list(FontnameTools.known_modifiers) + [""]
if m != s
+ list(FontnameTools.known_weights1)
+ list(FontnameTools.known_slopes)
styles = [
weights = [w for w in weights if w not in styles]
# Some font specialities:
other = [
"Text", # Plex
"IIx", # Profont IIx
"LGC", # Inconsolata LGC
r"\bCE\b", # ProggycleanTT CE
r"[12][cmp]n?", # MPlus
r"(?:uni-)?1[14]", # GohuFont uni
# Sometimes used abbreviations
weight_abbrevs = [
style_abbrevs = [
(style, weight_token) = FontnameTools.get_name_token(style, weights)
(style, style_token) = FontnameTools.get_name_token(style, styles)
(style, other_token) = FontnameTools.get_name_token(style, other, True)
if (
len(style) < 4 and style.lower() != "pro"
): # Prevent 'r' of Pro to be detected as style_abbrev
(style, weight_token_abbrevs) = FontnameTools.get_name_token(
style, weight_abbrevs
(style, style_token_abbrevs) = FontnameTools.get_name_token(
style, style_abbrevs
weight_token += weight_token_abbrevs
style_token += style_token_abbrevs
while "Regular" in style_token and len(style_token) > 1:
# Correct situation where "Regular" and something else is given
# Recurse to see if unmatched stuff between dashes can belong to familyname
matches2 = re.match(r"(\w+)-(.*)", style)
if matches2:
return FontnameTools.parse_font_name(
familyname + + "-" +
style = re.sub(
r"(^|\s)\d+(\.\d+)+(\s|$)", r"\1\3", style
) # Remove (free standing) version numbers
style_parts = FontnameTools.drop_empty(style.split(" "))
style = " ".join(map(FontnameTools.front_upper, style_parts))
familyname = FontnameTools.camel_explode(familyname)
return (True, familyname, weight_token, style_token, other_token, style)