# MonoLisa NF _Most_ Batteries included repo to patch MonoLisa with Nerd Fonts glyphs tested w/ MonoLisa v2.003

## Dependencies - `python` - `make` - `fontforge` OR `docker` There are some caveats to invoking the `font-patcher` script. Some of which are explained by [nerd fonts](https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts#font-patcher). To use `font-patcher` with `fontforge` first ensure it is installed (or see below for `docker` approach). On Arch: ```bash sudo pacman -S fontforge ``` You can also download the version for your system from the releases in the fontforge [repo](https://github.com/fontforge/fontforge). If you prefer to use `docker` rather than install `fontforge` you can add `ARGS='--docker'` to calls to `make patch`. ## Downloading MonoLisa Once you have acquired MonoLisa, follow the link in your email to download it. Then extract the `.zip` file of the type you've downloaded into `MonoLisa/`. The expected directory structure is below. You only need to download the font types you plan to use. ```bash MonoLisa ├── otf ├── ttf ├── woff └── woff2 ``` ## Patching your font Once you have downloaded MonoLisa and `fontforge` you can easily apply the nerd font patches with `make`. To patch all font types use the default `patch` rule. ```bash make ``` By default the complete (`-c`) flag is passed to the font-patcher script to include all icons/symbols. You can change this by specifying the `ARGS` at runtime. ```bash ARGS="-c -w" make patch ``` See `./bin/patch-monolisa --help` and `./bin/font-patcher --help` for available `ARGS`. You can find your patched fonts in the `patched/` directory If like me you want to place your patched fonts in a standard location on your Unix system you can move them to `~/.local/share/fonts/MonoLisa` with the `bin/update-fonts` script. Or for simplicity you can copy the fonts and update the cache with: ```bash make update-fonts ``` You can verify the fonts have been added with `make check`. ## Changing the Batteries If I haven't committed to this repo in a while it's likely a good idea to run `make update-src` to update the fonts, icons and patcher script from nerd fonts. ## Special Thanks - [MonoLisa](https://www.monolisa.dev) - [Nerd Fonts](https://www.nerdfonts.com)