ARGS ?= -c NF_SRC := $(shell ./bin/get-font-files src) FONT_SRC := $(shell ./bin/get-font-files MonoLisa 'otf,ttf,woff,woff2') ## patch | apply nerd fonts patch patch: ./bin/font-patcher @./bin/patch-monolisa \ $(foreach f,$(FONT_SRC),-f '$(f)') \ $(ARGS) ## update-fonts | move fonts and update fc-cache .PHONY: update-fonts update-fonts: $(call msg,Adding Fonts To System) @./bin/update-fonts @fc-cache -f -v ## check | check fc-list for MonoLisa .PHONY: check check: $(call msg,Checking System for Fonts) @fc-list | grep "MonoLisa" ## update-src | update nerd fonts source .PHONY: update-src update-src: $(call msg,Updating Source Files) @./bin/update-src ## lint | check shell scripts .PHONY: lint lint: @shfmt -w -s $(shell shfmt -f bin/) ## clean | remove patched fonts .PHONY: clean clean: @rm -r patched/* msg = $(call tprint,{a.bold}==>{a.end} {a.b_magenta}$(1){a.end} {a.bold}<=={a.end}) USAGE = {a.b_green}Update MonoLisa with Nerd Fonts! {a.end}\n\n{a.header}usage{a.end}:\n make \n -include