mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 00:55:49 -06:00
update NF batteries
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 249 additions and 27 deletions
@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf8
# Nerd Fonts Version: 2.1.0
# script version: 3.0.1
# Nerd Fonts Version: 2.2.1
# Script version is further down
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
version = "2.1.0"
# Change the script version when you edit this script:
script_version = "3.0.3"
version = "2.2.1"
projectName = "Nerd Fonts"
projectNameAbbreviation = "NF"
projectNameSingular = projectName[:-1]
@ -36,6 +39,122 @@ except ImportError:
# This is for experimenting
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) + '/bin/scripts/name_parser/')
from FontnameParser import FontnameParser
from FontnameTools import FontnameTools
FontnameParserOK = True
except ImportError:
FontnameParserOK = False
class TableHEADWriter:
""" Access to the HEAD table without external dependencies """
def getlong(self, pos = None):
""" Get four bytes from the font file as integer number """
if pos:
return (ord(self.f.read(1)) << 24) + (ord(self.f.read(1)) << 16) + (ord(self.f.read(1)) << 8) + ord(self.f.read(1))
def getshort(self, pos = None):
""" Get two bytes from the font file as integer number """
if pos:
return (ord(self.f.read(1)) << 8) + ord(self.f.read(1))
def putlong(self, num, pos = None):
""" Put number as four bytes into font file """
if pos:
self.f.write(bytearray([(num >> 24) & 0xFF, (num >> 16) & 0xFF ,(num >> 8) & 0xFF, num & 0xFF]))
self.modified = True
def putshort(self, num, pos = None):
""" Put number as two bytes into font file """
if pos:
self.f.write(bytearray([(num >> 8) & 0xFF, num & 0xFF]))
self.modified = True
def calc_checksum(self, start, end, checksum = 0):
""" Calculate a font table checksum, optionally ignoring another embedded checksum value (for table 'head') """
for i in range(start, end - 4, 4):
checksum += self.getlong()
checksum &= 0xFFFFFFFF
i += 4
extra = 0
for j in range(4):
if i + j <= end:
extra += ord(self.f.read(1))
extra = extra << 8
checksum = (checksum + extra) & 0xFFFFFFFF
return checksum
def find_head_table(self):
""" Search all tables for the HEAD table and store its metadata """
numtables = self.getshort()
self.f.seek(3*2, 1)
for i in range(numtables):
tab_name = self.f.read(4)
self.tab_check_offset = self.f.tell()
self.tab_check = self.getlong()
self.tab_offset = self.getlong()
self.tab_length = self.getlong()
if tab_name == b'head':
raise Exception('No HEAD table found')
def goto(self, where):
""" Go to a named location in the file or to the specified index """
if type(where) is str:
positions = {'checksumAdjustment': 2+2+4,
'flags': 2+2+4+4+4,
'lowestRecPPEM': 2+2+4+4+4+2+2+8+8+2+2+2+2+2,
where = self.tab_offset + positions[where]
def calc_full_checksum(self, check = False):
""" Calculate the whole file's checksum """
self.f.seek(0, 2)
self.end = self.f.tell()
full_check = self.calc_checksum(0, self.end, (-self.checksum_adj) & 0xFFFFFFFF)
if check and (0xB1B0AFBA - full_check) & 0xFFFFFFFF != self.checksum_adj:
sys.exit("Checksum of whole font is bad")
return full_check
def calc_table_checksum(self, check = False):
tab_check_new = self.calc_checksum(self.tab_offset, self.tab_offset + self.tab_length - 1, (-self.checksum_adj) & 0xFFFFFFFF)
if check and tab_check_new != self.tab_check:
sys.exit("Checksum of 'head' in font is bad")
return tab_check_new
def reset_table_checksum(self):
new_check = self.calc_table_checksum()
self.putlong(new_check, self.tab_check_offset)
def reset_full_checksum(self):
new_adj = (0xB1B0AFBA - self.calc_full_checksum()) & 0xFFFFFFFF
self.putlong(new_adj, 'checksumAdjustment')
def close(self):
def __init__(self, filename):
self.modified = False
self.f = open(filename, 'r+b')
self.flags = self.getshort('flags')
self.lowppem = self.getshort('lowestRecPPEM')
self.checksum_adj = self.getlong('checksumAdjustment')
class font_patcher:
def __init__(self):
@ -44,7 +163,6 @@ class font_patcher:
self.config = None # class 'configparser.ConfigParser'
self.sourceFont = None # class 'fontforge.font'
self.octiconsExactEncodingPosition = True
self.fontlinuxExactEncodingPosition = True
self.patch_set = None # class 'list'
self.font_dim = None # class 'dict'
self.onlybitmaps = 0
@ -62,7 +180,8 @@ class font_patcher:
self.sourceFont = fontforge.open(self.args.font, 1) # 1 = ("fstypepermitted",))
except Exception:
sys.exit(projectName + ": Can not open font, try to open with fontforge interactively to get more information")
@ -81,7 +200,7 @@ class font_patcher:
def patch(self):
print("{} Patcher v{} executing\n".format(projectName, version))
print("{} Patcher v{} ({}) executing\n".format(projectName, version, script_version))
if self.args.single:
# Force width to be equal on all glyphs to ensure the font is considered monospaced on Windows.
@ -124,19 +243,53 @@ class font_patcher:
if symfont:
print("\nDone with Patch Sets, generating font...")
# The grave accent and fontforge:
# If the type is 'auto' fontforge changes it to 'mark' on export.
# We can not prevent this. So set it to 'baseglyph' instead, as
# that resembles the most common expectations.
# This is not needed with fontforge March 2022 Release anymore.
if "grave" in self.sourceFont:
def generate(self):
# the `PfEd-comments` flag is required for Fontforge to save '.comment' and '.fontlog'.
if self.sourceFont.fullname != None:
self.sourceFont.generate(self.args.outputdir + "/" + self.sourceFont.fullname + self.extension, flags=(str('opentype'), str('PfEd-comments')))
print("\nGenerated: {}".format(self.sourceFont.fontname))
outfile = self.args.outputdir + "/" + self.sourceFont.fullname + self.extension
self.sourceFont.generate(outfile, flags=(str('opentype'), str('PfEd-comments')))
message = "\nGenerated: {} in '{}'".format(self.sourceFont.fullname, outfile)
self.sourceFont.generate(self.args.outputdir + "/" + self.sourceFont.cidfontname + self.extension, flags=(str('opentype'), str('PfEd-comments')))
print("\nGenerated: {}".format(self.sourceFont.fullname))
outfile = self.args.outputdir + "/" + self.sourceFont.cidfontname + self.extension
self.sourceFont.generate(outfile, flags=(str('opentype'), str('PfEd-comments')))
message = "\nGenerated: {} in '{}'".format(self.sourceFont.fontname, outfile)
# Adjust flags that can not be changed via fontforge
source_font = TableHEADWriter(self.args.font)
dest_font = TableHEADWriter(outfile)
if source_font.flags & 0x08 == 0 and dest_font.flags & 0x08 != 0:
print("Changing flags from 0x{:X} to 0x{:X}".format(dest_font.flags, dest_font.flags & ~0x08))
dest_font.putshort(dest_font.flags & ~0x08, 'flags') # clear 'ppem_to_int'
if source_font.lowppem != dest_font.lowppem:
print("Changing lowestRecPPEM from {} to {}".format(dest_font.lowppem, source_font.lowppem))
dest_font.putshort(source_font.lowppem, 'lowestRecPPEM')
if dest_font.modified:
except Exception as error:
print("Can not handle font flags ({})".format(repr(error)))
if self.args.postprocess:
subprocess.call([self.args.postprocess, self.args.outputdir + "/" + self.sourceFont.fullname + self.extension])
print("\nPost Processed: {}".format(self.sourceFont.fullname))
subprocess.call([self.args.postprocess, outfile])
print("\nPost Processed: {}".format(outfile))
def setup_arguments(self):
@ -166,12 +319,14 @@ class font_patcher:
parser.add_argument('-ext', '--extension', dest='extension', default="", type=str, nargs='?', help='Change font file type to create (e.g., ttf, otf)')
parser.add_argument('-out', '--outputdir', dest='outputdir', default=".", type=str, nargs='?', help='The directory to output the patched font file to')
parser.add_argument('--glyphdir', dest='glyphdir', default=__dir__ + "/src/glyphs/", type=str, nargs='?', help='Path to glyphs to be used for patching')
parser.add_argument('--makegroups', dest='makegroups', default=False, action='store_true', help='Use alternative method to name patched fonts (experimental)')
# progress bar arguments - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15008758/parsing-boolean-values-with-argparse
progressbars_group_parser = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
progressbars_group_parser.add_argument('--progressbars', dest='progressbars', action='store_true', help='Show percentage completion progress bars per Glyph Set')
progressbars_group_parser.add_argument('--no-progressbars', dest='progressbars', action='store_false', help='Don\'t show percentage completion progress bars per Glyph Set')
parser.add_argument('--also-windows', dest='alsowindows', default=False, action='store_true', help='Create two fonts, the normal and the --windows version')
# symbol fonts to include arguments
sym_font_group = parser.add_argument_group('Symbol Fonts')
@ -189,6 +344,9 @@ class font_patcher:
self.args = parser.parse_args()
if self.args.makegroups and not FontnameParserOK:
sys.exit(projectName + ": FontnameParser module missing (bin/scripts/name_parser/Fontname*), can not --makegroups".format(projectName))
# if you add a new font, set it to True here inside the if condition
if self.args.complete:
self.args.fontawesome = True
@ -219,6 +377,9 @@ class font_patcher:
font_complete = False
self.args.complete = font_complete
if self.args.alsowindows:
self.args.windows = False
# this one also works but it needs to be updated every time a font is added
# it was a conditional in self.setup_font_names() before, but it was missing
# a symbol font, so it would name the font complete without being so sometimes.
@ -239,7 +400,17 @@ class font_patcher:
# ])
def setup_name_backup(self):
""" Store the original font names to be able to rename the font multiple times """
self.original_fontname = self.sourceFont.fontname
self.original_fullname = self.sourceFont.fullname
self.original_familyname = self.sourceFont.familyname
def setup_font_names(self):
self.sourceFont.fontname = self.original_fontname
self.sourceFont.fullname = self.original_fullname
self.sourceFont.familyname = self.original_familyname
verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix = " " + projectNameSingular
if self.args.windows: # attempt to shorten here on the additional name BEFORE trimming later
additionalFontNameSuffix = " " + projectNameAbbreviation
@ -285,6 +456,27 @@ class font_patcher:
additionalFontNameSuffix += " M"
verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Mono"
if FontnameParserOK and self.args.makegroups:
use_fullname = type(self.sourceFont.fullname) == str # Usually the fullname is better to parse
# Use fullname if it is 'equal' to the fontname
if self.sourceFont.fullname:
use_fullname |= self.sourceFont.fontname.lower() == FontnameTools.postscript_char_filter(self.sourceFont.fullname).lower()
# Use fullname for any of these source fonts (that are impossible to disentangle from the fontname, we need the blanks)
for hit in [ 'Meslo' ]:
use_fullname |= self.sourceFont.fontname.lower().startswith(hit.lower())
parser_name = self.sourceFont.fullname if use_fullname else self.sourceFont.fontname
# Gohu fontnames hide the weight, but the file names are ok...
if parser_name.startswith('Gohu'):
parser_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.args.font))[0]
n = FontnameParser(parser_name)
if not n.parse_ok:
print("Have only minimal naming information, check resulting name. Maybe omit --makegroups option")
n.enable_short_families(True, "Noto")
# All the following stuff is ignored in makegroups-mode
# basically split the font name around the dash "-" to get the fontname and the style (e.g. Bold)
# this does not seem very reliable so only use the style here as a fallback if the font does not
# have an internal style defined (in sfnt_names)
@ -343,8 +535,9 @@ class font_patcher:
familyname += " Mono"
# Don't truncate the subfamily to keep fontname unique. MacOS treats fonts with
# the same name as the same font, even if subFamily is different.
fontname += '-' + subFamily
# the same name as the same font, even if subFamily is different. Make sure to
# keep the resulting fontname (PostScript name) valid by removing spaces.
fontname += '-' + subFamily.replace(' ', '')
# rename font
@ -418,18 +611,28 @@ class font_patcher:
fullname = replace_font_name(fullname, additionalFontNameReplacements2)
fontname = replace_font_name(fontname, additionalFontNameReplacements2)
# replace any extra whitespace characters:
self.sourceFont.familyname = " ".join(familyname.split())
self.sourceFont.fullname = " ".join(fullname.split())
self.sourceFont.fontname = " ".join(fontname.split())
if not (FontnameParserOK and self.args.makegroups):
# replace any extra whitespace characters:
self.sourceFont.familyname = " ".join(familyname.split())
self.sourceFont.fullname = " ".join(fullname.split())
self.sourceFont.fontname = " ".join(fontname.split())
self.sourceFont.appendSFNTName(str('English (US)'), str('Preferred Family'), self.sourceFont.familyname)
self.sourceFont.appendSFNTName(str('English (US)'), str('Family'), self.sourceFont.familyname)
self.sourceFont.appendSFNTName(str('English (US)'), str('Compatible Full'), self.sourceFont.fullname)
self.sourceFont.appendSFNTName(str('English (US)'), str('SubFamily'), subFamily)
fam_suffix = projectNameSingular if not self.args.windows else projectNameAbbreviation
fam_suffix += ' Mono' if self.args.single else ''
n.inject_suffix(verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix, additionalFontNameSuffix, fam_suffix)
self.sourceFont.appendSFNTName(str('English (US)'), str('Preferred Family'), self.sourceFont.familyname)
self.sourceFont.appendSFNTName(str('English (US)'), str('Family'), self.sourceFont.familyname)
self.sourceFont.appendSFNTName(str('English (US)'), str('Compatible Full'), self.sourceFont.fullname)
self.sourceFont.appendSFNTName(str('English (US)'), str('SubFamily'), subFamily)
self.sourceFont.comment = projectInfo
self.sourceFont.fontlog = projectInfo
def setup_version(self):
""" Add the Nerd Font version to the original version """
# print("Version was {}".format(sourceFont.version))
if self.sourceFont.version != None:
self.sourceFont.version += ";" + projectName + " " + version
@ -463,8 +666,6 @@ class font_patcher:
# Prevent glyph encoding position conflicts between glyph sets
if self.args.fontawesome and self.args.octicons:
self.octiconsExactEncodingPosition = False
if self.args.fontawesome or self.args.octicons:
self.fontlinuxExactEncodingPosition = False
def setup_patch_set(self):
@ -603,7 +804,7 @@ class font_patcher:
{'Enabled': self.args.powersymbols, 'Name': "Power Symbols", 'Filename': "Unicode_IEC_symbol_font.otf", 'Exact': True, 'SymStart': 0x2B58, 'SymEnd': 0x2B58, 'SrcStart': None, 'SrcEnd': None, 'ScaleGlyph': None, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT}, # Heavy Circle (aka Power Off)
{'Enabled': self.args.material, 'Name': "Material", 'Filename': "materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf", 'Exact': False, 'SymStart': 0xF001, 'SymEnd': 0xF847, 'SrcStart': 0xF500, 'SrcEnd': 0xFD46, 'ScaleGlyph': None, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},
{'Enabled': self.args.weather, 'Name': "Weather Icons", 'Filename': "weather-icons/weathericons-regular-webfont.ttf", 'Exact': False, 'SymStart': 0xF000, 'SymEnd': 0xF0EB, 'SrcStart': 0xE300, 'SrcEnd': 0xE3EB, 'ScaleGlyph': None, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},
{'Enabled': self.args.fontlinux, 'Name': "Font Logos (Font Linux)", 'Filename': "font-logos.ttf", 'Exact': self.fontlinuxExactEncodingPosition, 'SymStart': 0xF100, 'SymEnd': 0xF12D, 'SrcStart': 0xF300, 'SrcEnd': 0xF32D, 'ScaleGlyph': None, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},
{'Enabled': self.args.fontlinux, 'Name': "Font Logos (Font Linux)", 'Filename': "font-logos.ttf", 'Exact': True, 'SymStart': 0xF300, 'SymEnd': 0xF32F, 'SrcStart': None, 'SrcEnd': None , 'ScaleGlyph': None, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},
{'Enabled': self.args.octicons, 'Name': "Octicons", 'Filename': "octicons.ttf", 'Exact': self.octiconsExactEncodingPosition, 'SymStart': 0xF000, 'SymEnd': 0xF105, 'SrcStart': 0xF400, 'SrcEnd': 0xF505, 'ScaleGlyph': OCTI_SCALE_LIST, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT}, # Magnifying glass
{'Enabled': self.args.octicons, 'Name': "Octicons", 'Filename': "octicons.ttf", 'Exact': self.octiconsExactEncodingPosition, 'SymStart': 0x2665, 'SymEnd': 0x2665, 'SrcStart': None, 'SrcEnd': None, 'ScaleGlyph': OCTI_SCALE_LIST, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT}, # Heart
{'Enabled': self.args.octicons, 'Name': "Octicons", 'Filename': "octicons.ttf", 'Exact': self.octiconsExactEncodingPosition, 'SymStart': 0X26A1, 'SymEnd': 0X26A1, 'SrcStart': None, 'SrcEnd': None, 'ScaleGlyph': OCTI_SCALE_LIST, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT}, # Zap
@ -653,7 +854,9 @@ class font_patcher:
# Ignore the y-values, os2_winXXXXX values set above are used for line height
# 0x00-0x17f is the Latin Extended-A range
for glyph in range(0x00, 0x17f):
for glyph in range(0x21, 0x17f):
if glyph in range(0x7F, 0xBF):
continue # ignore special characters like '1/4' etc
(_, _, xmax, _) = self.sourceFont[glyph].boundingBox()
except TypeError:
@ -665,6 +868,17 @@ class font_patcher:
# Calculate font height
self.font_dim['height'] = abs(self.font_dim['ymin']) + self.font_dim['ymax']
if self.font_dim['height'] == 0:
# This can only happen if the input font is empty
# Assume we are using our prepared templates
self.font_dim = {
'xmin' : 0,
'ymin' : -self.sourceFont.descent,
'xmax' : self.sourceFont.em,
'ymax' : self.sourceFont.ascent,
'width' : self.sourceFont.em,
'height': abs(self.sourceFont.descent) + self.sourceFont.ascent,
def get_scale_factor(self, sym_dim):
@ -1030,6 +1244,14 @@ def main():
patcher = font_patcher()
print("\nDone with Patch Sets, generating font...\n")
# This mainly helps to improve CI runtime
if patcher.args.alsowindows:
patcher.args.windows = True
if __name__ == "__main__":
Binary file not shown.
Add table
Reference in a new issue