
152 lines
4.1 KiB

import std/[os, strformat, strutils]
import nimsvg
baseCSS = slurp "css/base.css"
lightCSS = slurp "css/light.css"
darkCSS = slurp "css/dark.css"
version = staticExec "git describe --tags HEAD --always"
Style = enum
stLight, stDark
Background = enum
bgNone, bgCircle, bgSquare
Point = object
x, y: float64
Logo = object
background: Background
border: bool
style: Style
const scale = 800
proc calcCoordinates(my1, my2, mx1, mx2, dr, gap: float64): tuple[my1, my2, mx1,
mx2, dr, gap: float64, mc, dc: Point] =
# not very DRY...
result.my1 = my1 * scale
result.my2 = my2 * scale
result.mx1 = mx1 * scale
result.mx2 = mx2 * scale
result.dr = dr * scale
result.gap = gap * scale
let u = (scale - result.my1 - result.my2 - result.dr) / 2
# v = SCALE / 2 - (self.mx1 + self.mx2)
# assert D_R < M_X1 + M_X2/2
# Coordinate Shape Centers
result.mc = Point(x: scale / 2, y: u + result.dr + result.my2)
result.dc = Point(x: scale / 2, y: u + result.dr)
const coord = calcCoordinates(
my1 = 0.15,
my2 = 0.35,
mx1 = 0.13,
mx2 = 0.2,
dr = 0.17,
gap = 0.025,
proc drawM(): Nodes =
let startEndOffset = 0.15 * (coord.mx1)
let moveTo = Point(x: coord.mc.x - coord.mx1 - startEndOffset, y: coord.mc.y)
# path(
path(d = &"""
M {moveTo.x},{moveTo.y}
l -{coord.mx2},0
l {coord.mx2/2},-{coord.my2}
l {coord.mx2/2+coord.mx1+startEndOffset},{coord.my2+coord.my1}
l {coord.mx1+coord.mx2/2+startEndOffset},-{coord.my1+coord.my2}
l {coord.mx2/2},{coord.my2}
l -{coord.mx2}, 0
proc drawD(): Nodes =
let start = Point(x: coord.dc.x - coord.dr, y: coord.dc.y)
g(class = "d"):
circle(cx = coord.dc.x, cy = coord.dc.y, r = coord.dr)
path(class = "fg", d = &"M {start.x},{start.y} a 1 1 0 0 0 {coord.dr*2} 0 z")
proc addBackground(bg: Background, border: bool = true): Nodes =
if bg == bgCircle:
circle(class = "background", cx = scale/2, cy = scale/2, r = scale/2)
if border:
circle(class = "fg border", cx = scale/2, cy = scale/2, r = (
elif bg == bgSquare:
rect(class = "background", height = scale, width = scale, x = 0, y = 0)
if border:
rect(class = "fg border", height = scale-2*coord.gap,
width = scale-2*coord.gap, x = coord.gap, y = coord.gap)
proc addStyle(s: Style): Nodes =
var css: string
case s:
of stDark: css &= darkCSS
of stLight: css &= lightCSS
css &= baseCSS
style(type = "text/css"):
t: css
proc fname(l: Logo): string =
var name = @["logo"]
case l.background
of bgSquare: name.add("bg-rect")
of bgCircle: name.add("bg-circle")
else: discard
case l.border:
of true: name.add("b")
else: discard
case l.style:
of stLight: name.add("light")
of stDark: name.add("dark")
name.join("-") & ".svg"
proc makeLogo(l: Logo, prefix = "docs/svg", fileName = "") =
if not dirExists(prefix): createDir(prefix)
let fname = prefix / (if fileName == "": l.fname() else: fileName)
t: &"<!-- © 2023 Daylin Morgan | rev. {version} -->"
svg(height = scale, width = scale):
defs: embed addStyle(l.style)
if l.background != bgNone: embed addBackground(l.background, l.border)
g(class = "fg logo"):
embed drawM()
embed drawD()
when isMainModule:
for bg in @[bgNone, bgSquare, bgCircle]:
for style in @[stLight, stDark]:
for border in @[true, false]:
background: bg,
border: border,
style: style
let defaults = @[
(Logo(background: bgCircle, border: true, style: stDark), "light.svg"),
(Logo(background: bgCircle, border: true, style: stLight), "dark.svg")
for (logo, fname) in defaults:
logo.makeLogo(fileName = fname, prefix = "docs")
when defined(makeDefault):
Logo(background: bgCircle, border: true, style: stDark).makeLogo(
prefix = "assets", "logo.svg")