{.define: bbansiOn.} import std/[os, strutils, unittest] import hwylterm/bbansi template bbCheck(input: string, output: string): untyped = check escape($bb(input)) == escape(output) suite "basic": test "simple": bbCheck "[red][/red]", "" bbCheck "[red]red text", "\e[38;5;1mred text\e[0m" bbCheck "[red]Red Text", "\e[38;5;1mRed Text\e[0m" bbCheck "[yellow]Yellow Text", "\e[38;5;3mYellow Text\e[0m" bbCheck "[bold red]Bold Red Text", "\e[1;38;5;1mBold Red Text\e[0m" bbCheck "[red]5[/]", "\e[38;5;1m5\e[0m" bbCheck "[bold][red]5","\e[1;38;5;1m5\e[0m" check "[bold]bold[/bold]" == "bold".bbMarkup("bold") bbCheck "[color(9)]red[/color(9)][color(2)]blue[/color(2)]", "\x1B[38;5;9mred\x1B[0m\x1B[38;5;2mblue\x1B[0m" bbCheck "[color(256)]no color![/]", "no color!" test "compile time": const s = bb"[red]red text" check s == bb"[red]red text" test "closing": bbCheck "[bold]Bold[red] Bold Red[/red] Bold Only", "\e[1mBold\e[0m\e[1;38;5;1m Bold Red\e[0m\e[1m Bold Only\e[0m" test "abbreviated": bbCheck "[b]Bold[/] Not Bold", "\e[1mBold\e[0m Not Bold" test "noop": bbCheck "No Style", "No Style" bbCheck "[unknown]Unknown Style", "Unknown Style" test "escaped": bbCheck "[[red] ignored pattern", "[red] ignored pattern" bbCheck "\\[red] ignored pattern","[red] ignored pattern" test "newlines": bbCheck "[red]Red Text[/]\nNext Line", "\e[38;5;1mRed Text\e[0m\nNext Line" test "on color": bbCheck "[red on yellow]Red on Yellow", "\e[38;5;1;48;5;3mRed on Yellow\e[0m" test "concat-ops": check "[red]RED[/]".bb & " plain string" == "[red]RED[/] plain string".bb check "[red]RED[/]".bb.len == 3 check bb("[blue]Blue[/]") & " " & bb("[red]Red[/]") == "[blue]Blue[/] [red]Red[/]".bb check "a plain string" & "[blue] a blue string".bb == "a plain string[blue] a blue string".bb var s = bb("[red]red") s.add bb("[blue]blue") check escape($s) == escape($bb("[red]red[/][blue]blue[/]")) test "spans": check bb("[red]red[/][blue]blue[/]").spans.len == 2 check bb("[red]red[/red][blue]blue[/]").spans.len == 2 test "style insensitive": bbCheck "[red]no case sensitivity[/RED]", "\e[38;5;1mno case sensitivity\e[0m" bbCheck "[bright_red]should be BrightRed[/]", "\e[38;5;9mshould be BrightRed\e[0m" bbCheck "[BrightRed]should be BrightRed[/]", "\e[38;5;9mshould be BrightRed\e[0m" test "style full": check "[red]Red[/red]".bb == bb("Red", "red") check "[b][yellow]not yellow[/][/b]".bb == bb("[yellow]not yellow[/]", "b") check "[9]color 9[/9]".bb == bb("color 9", 9) # syntax will change to [color(9)] test "escape": check bbEscape("[info] brackets") == "[[info] brackets" bbCheck bbEscape("[info] brackets"), "[info] brackets" test "fmt": let x = 5 check $bbfmt"[red]{x}" == "\e[38;5;1m5\e[0m" test "hex": bbCheck "[#FF0000]red", "\e[38;2;255;0;0mred\e[0m" suite "strutils": test "stripAnsi": check stripAnsi($bb"[red]red!") == "red!" check stripAnsi("\e[1mBold String!") == "Bold String!" test "&": check "plain string" & bb"[red]red string" == bb"plain string[red]red string" check (bb"a [b]bold string") & " and plain string" == bb"a [b]bold string[/] and plain string" test "truncate": let tester = bb"[red]a red[/] [blue on red]blue on red part" check tester.truncate(50) == tester check tester.truncate(5) == bb"[red]a red" check tester.truncate(10) == bb"[red]a red[/] [blue on red]blue" test "align": check (bb"[red]red").align(10) == bb" [red]red" check (bb"[red]red").alignLeft(10) == bb"[red]red[/] " test "add": var x = bb("[red]red") x.add bb("[yellow]yellow") check bb"[red]red[/][yellow]yellow[/]" == x var y = bb("[red]red") y.add "yellow" check bb"[red]red[/]yellow" == y