mirror of
synced 2024-12-21 18:50:44 -06:00
Compare commits
14 commits
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5 changed files with 419 additions and 334 deletions
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ when isMainModule:
name "bbansi"
settings NoArgsShowHelp
settings ShowHelp
usage "[bold]bbansi[/] [[[green]args...[/]] [[[faint]-h|-V[/]]"
description """
bbansi "[[yellow] yellow text!"
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ when isMainModule:
import ./[hwylcli]
name "hwylchoose"
settings NoArgsShowHelp
settings ShowHelp
usage "[bold]hwylchoose[/] [[[green]args...[/]] [[[faint]-h[/]]"
description """
hwylchoose a b c d
@ -8,40 +8,41 @@ import std/[
import ./[bbansi, parseopt3]
export parseopt3
export parseopt3, sets, bbansi
HwylFlagHelp = tuple
HwylFlagHelp* = tuple
short, long, description: string
HwylSubCmdHelp = tuple
HwylSubCmdHelp* = tuple
name, desc: string
HwylCliStyles* = object
hdr = "bold cyan"
shortFlag = "yellow"
longFlag = "magenta"
descFlag = ""
cmd = "bold"
header* = "bold cyan"
flagShort* = "yellow"
flagLong* = "magenta"
flagDesc* = ""
cmd* = "bold"
HwylCliHelp* = object
cmd*: string
usage*: string
desc*: string
subcmds: seq[HwylSubCmdHelp]
subcmds*: seq[HwylSubCmdHelp]
flags*: seq[HwylFlagHelp]
styles*: HwylCliStyles
subcmdLen, subcmdDescLen, shortArgLen, longArgLen, descArgLen: int
subcmdLen*, subcmdDescLen*, shortArgLen*, longArgLen*, descArgLen*: int
# NOTE: do i need both strips?
func firstLine(s: string): string =
func newHwylCliHelp*(
cmd = "",
usage = "",
desc = "",
subcmds: openArray[HwylSubCmdHelp] = @[],
flags: openArray[HwylFlagHelp] = @[],
styles = HwylCliStyles()
): HwylCliHelp =
result.cmd = cmd
result.desc = dedent(desc).strip()
result.subcmds = subcmds.mapIt((it.name,it.desc.strip().dedent().strip().splitlines()[0]))
result.subcmds =
subcmds.mapIt((it.name, it.desc.firstLine))
result.usage = dedent(usage).strip()
result.flags = @flags
result.styles = styles
@ -55,10 +56,10 @@ func newHwylCliHelp*(
result.subcmdLen = max(result.subcmdLen, s.name.len)
result.subcmdDescLen = max(result.subcmdDescLen, s.desc.len)
func flagHelp(cli: HwylCliHelp, f: HwylFlagHelp): string =
func render*(cli: HwylCliHelp, f: HwylFlagHelp): string =
result.add " "
if f.short != "":
result.add "[" & cli.styles.shortFlag & "]"
result.add "[" & cli.styles.flagShort & "]"
result.add "-" & f.short.alignLeft(cli.shortArgLen)
result.add "[/]"
@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ func flagHelp(cli: HwylCliHelp, f: HwylFlagHelp): string =
result.add " "
if f.long != "":
result.add "[" & cli.styles.longFlag & "]"
result.add "[" & cli.styles.flagLong & "]"
result.add "--" & f.long.alignLeft(cli.longArgLen)
result.add "[/]"
@ -75,12 +76,12 @@ func flagHelp(cli: HwylCliHelp, f: HwylFlagHelp): string =
result.add " "
if f.description != "":
result.add "[" & cli.styles.descFlag & "]"
result.add "[" & cli.styles.flagDesc & "]"
result.add f.description
result.add "[/]"
result.add "\n"
func subCmdLine(cli: HwylCliHelp, subcmd: HwylSubCmdHelp): string =
func render*(cli: HwylCliHelp, subcmd: HwylSubCmdHelp): string =
result.add " "
result.add "[" & cli.styles.cmd & "]"
result.add subcmd.name.alignLeft(cli.subcmdLen)
@ -89,49 +90,63 @@ func subCmdLine(cli: HwylCliHelp, subcmd: HwylSubCmdHelp): string =
result.add subcmd.desc.alignLeft(cli.subcmdDescLen)
result.add "\n"
proc bbImpl(cli: HwylCliHelp): string =
if cli.cmd != "":
result.add cli.cmd
result.add "\n"
# TODO: split this into separate procs to make overriding more fluid
func render*(cli: HwylCliHelp): string =
if cli.usage != "":
result.add "\n"
result.add "[" & cli.styles.hdr & "]"
result.add "[" & cli.styles.header & "]"
result.add "usage[/]:\n"
result.add indent(cli.usage, 2 )
result.add "\n"
if cli.desc != "":
result.add "\n\n"
result.add "\n"
result.add cli.desc
result.add "\n"
if cli.subcmds.len > 0:
result.add "\n"
result.add "[" & cli.styles.hdr & "]"
result.add "[" & cli.styles.header & "]"
result.add "subcommands[/]:\n"
for s in cli.subcmds:
result.add cli.subcmdLine(s)
result.add cli.render(s)
if cli.flags.len > 0:
result.add "\n"
result.add "[" & cli.styles.hdr & "]"
result.add "[" & cli.styles.header & "]"
result.add "flags[/]:\n"
for f in cli.flags:
result.add flagHelp(cli,f)
result.add render(cli,f)
proc bb*(cli: HwylCliHelp): BbString =
result = bb(bbImpl(cli))
result = bb(render(cli))
proc `$`*(cli: HwylCliHelp): string =
result = $bb(cli)
# ----------------------------------------
CliSetting = enum
NoHelpFlag, NoArgsShowHelp
CliFlag = object
Count* = object ## Count type for an incrementing flag
val*: int
# ----
CliSetting* = enum
NoHelpFlag, ## Remove the builtin help flag
ShowHelp, ## If cmdline empty show help
NoNormalize ## Don't normalize flags and commands
BuiltinFlag = object
name*: string
ident*: string
default*: NimNode
typeSym*: string
short*: char
long*: string
help*: NimNode
node: NimNode
CliFlag = object
name*: string
ident*: NimNode
default*: NimNode
typeNode*: NimNode
short*: char
long*: string
help*: NimNode
CliCfg = object
stopWords*: seq[string]
styles: NimNode
@ -144,74 +159,60 @@ type
subName*: string # used for help the generator
version*, usage*: NimNode
flags*: seq[CliFlag]
builtinFlags*: seq[BuiltinFlag]
flagGroups: Table[string, seq[CliFlag]]
required*: seq[string]
globalFlags*: seq[CliFlag]
inheritFlags*: seq[string]
root*: bool
{.push hint[XDeclaredButNotUsed]:off .}
func peekNode(n: NimNode) =
# some debug procs I use to wrap my ahead aroung the magic of *macro*
func `<<<`(n: NimNode) {.used.} =
## for debugging macros
debugEcho treeRepr n
func `<<<`(s: string) {.used.} =
debugEcho s
# TODO: do i need this?
func newCliFlag(): CliFlag =
result.help = newLit("")
func bad(n: NimNode, argument: string = "") =
var msg = "unexpected node kind: " & $n.kind
if argument != "":
msg &= " for argument: " & argument
error msg
template badNode =
error "unexpected node kind: " & $node.kind
func typeSymFromNode(node: NimNode): string =
func getFlagParamNode(node: NimNode): NimNode =
case node.kind
of nnkIdent, nnkStrLit:
result = node.strVal
of nnkBracketExpr:
result = node[0].strVal & "[" & node[1].strVal & "]"
else: badNode
func getOptTypeSym(node: NimNode): string =
case node.kind:
of nnkCommand:
result = typeSymFromNode(node[1]) # [0] is T
of nnkCall:
result = typeSymFromNode(node[1][0]) # [1] is stmtlist [0] is the type
else: error "unexpected node kind: " & $node.kind
func getOptOptNode(optOptValue: NimNode): NimNode =
case optOptValue.kind
of nnkStrLit:
result = optOptValue
result = node
of nnkStmtList:
result = optOptValue[0]
result = node[0]
of nnkCommand:
result = optOptValue[1]
result = node[1]
of nnkPrefix: # NOTE: should i double check prefix value?
result = optOptValue[1]
else: error "unexpected node kind: " & $optOptValue.kind
result = node[1]
else: bad(node, "flag param")
# TODO: don't use the confusing name optOpts here and above
func parseOptOpts(opt: var CliFlag, optOpts: NimNode) =
expectKind optOpts, nnkStmtList
for optOpt in optOpts:
case optOpt.kind
func parseFlagParams(f: var CliFlag, node: NimNode) =
expectKind node, nnkStmtList
for n in node:
case n.kind
of nnkCall, nnkCommand, nnkPrefix:
case optOpt[0].strVal
case n[0].strVal
of "help","?":
opt.help = getOptOptNode(optOpt[1])
f.help = getFlagParamNode(n[1])
of "short", "-":
let val = getOptOptNode(optOpt).strVal
let val = getFlagParamNode(n).strVal
if val.len > 1:
error "short flag must be a char"
opt.short = val[0].char
f.short = val[0].char
of "*", "default":
opt.default = getOptOptNode(optOpt)
f.default = getFlagParamNode(n)
of "i", "ident":
opt.ident = getOptOptNode(optOpt).strVal
f.ident = getFlagParamNode(n).strVal.ident
of "T":
opt.typeSym = getOptTypeSym(optOpt)
f.typeNode = n[1]
error "unexpected option setting: " & optOpt[0].strVal
error "unexpected setting: " & n[0].strVal
error "unexpected option node type: " & $optOpt.kind
bad(n, "flag params")
func startFlag(f: var CliFlag, n: NimNode) =
f.name =
@ -220,6 +221,8 @@ func startFlag(f: var CliFlag, n: NimNode) =
of nnkAccQuoted: collect(for c in n[0]: c.strVal).join("")
else: error "unexpected node kind for option"
f.help = newLit("") # by default no string
# assume a single character is a short flag
if f.name.len == 1:
f.short = f.name[0].char
@ -228,10 +231,8 @@ func startFlag(f: var CliFlag, n: NimNode) =
func parseCliFlag(n: NimNode): CliFlag =
if n.kind notin [nnkCommand, nnkCall]:
error "unexpected node kind: " & $n.kind
bad(n, "flags")
# deduplicate these...
result = newCliFlag()
startFlag(result, n)
# option "some help desc"
if n.kind == nnkCommand:
@ -239,18 +240,36 @@ func parseCliFlag(n: NimNode): CliFlag =
# option:
# help "some help description"
parseOptOpts(result, n[1])
parseFlagParams(result, n[1])
if result.ident == "":
result.ident = result.name
if result.typeSym == "":
result.typeSym = "string"
if result.ident == nil:
result.ident = result.name.ident
if result.typeNode == nil:
result.typeNode = ident"string"
func parseCliFlags(flags: NimNode): seq[CliFlag] =
expectKind flags, nnkStmtList
for f in flags:
result.add parseCliFlag(f)
# TODO: change how this works?
func parseCliFlags(cfg: var CliCfg, node: NimNode) =
var group: string
expectKind node, nnkStmtList
for n in node:
var flag: CliFlag
case n.kind
of nnkCall, nnkCommand:
flag = parseCliFlag(n)
if group == "":
cfg.flags.add flag
if group notin cfg.flagGroups: cfg.flagGroups[group] = @[flag]
else: cfg.flagGroups[group].add flag
of nnkBracket:
group = n[0].strVal
of nnkPrefix:
if n[0].kind != nnkIdent and n[0].strVal != "^":
error "unexpected node in flags: " & $n.kind
expectKind n[1], nnkBracket
cfg.inheritFlags.add n[1][0].strVal
else: bad(n, "flag")
func parseCliSetting(s: string): CliSetting =
try: parseEnum[CliSetting](s)
@ -283,7 +302,7 @@ func parseIdentLikeList(node: NimNode): seq[string] =
result.add n.strVal
else: assert false
func parseCliBody(body: NimNode, name: string = ""): CliCfg
func parseCliBody(body: NimNode, name: string = "", root: bool= false): CliCfg
func isSubMarker(node: NimNode): bool =
if node.kind == nnkPrefix:
@ -310,13 +329,25 @@ func sliceStmts(node: NimNode): seq[
start = i + 1
func addGlobalFlagsFrom(child: var CliCfg, parent: CliCfg) =
func addInheritedFlags(child: var CliCfg, parent: CliCfg, self = false) =
let names = child.flags.mapIt(it.name)
for f in parent.globalFlags:
if f.name in names:
error "global flag " & f.name & " conflicts with command flag"
child.flags.add f
var groups: seq[string]
if not self:
groups.add child.inheritFlags
# autoinherit the "global" flags
if "global" in parent.flagGroups:
groups.add "global"
for g in groups:
if g notin parent.flagGroups:
debugEcho parent.flagGroups.keys().toSeq()
error "expected flag group: " & g & " to exist in parent command"
for f in parent.flagGroups[g]:
if f.name in names:
error "global flag " & f.name & " conflicts with command flag"
child.flags.add f
func parseCliSubcommands(cfg: var CliCfg, node: NimNode) =
expectKind node[1], nnkStmtList
for (name, s) in sliceStmts(node[1]):
@ -325,8 +356,7 @@ func parseCliSubcommands(cfg: var CliCfg, node: NimNode) =
nnkStmtList.newTree(node[1][s]), cfg.name & " " & name
subCfg.subName = name
cfg.subcommands.add subCfg
func parseHiddenFlags(cfg: var CliCfg, node: NimNode) =
@ -345,8 +375,41 @@ func parseHiddenFlags(cfg: var CliCfg, node: NimNode) =
cfg.hidden.add n.strVal
else: assert false
func parseCliBody(body: NimNode, name = ""): CliCfg =
func addBuiltinFlags(cfg: var CliCfg) =
# duplicated with below :/
let shorts = cfg.flags.mapIt(it.short).toHashSet()
name = cfg.name.replace(" ", "")
printHelpName = ident("print" & name & "Help")
if NoHelpFlag notin cfg.settings:
let helpNode = quote do:
`printHelpName`(); quit 0
cfg.builtinFlags.add BuiltinFlag(
name: "help",
long: "help",
help: newLit("show this help"),
short: if 'h' notin shorts: 'h' else: '\x00',
node: helpNode
if cfg.version != nil:
let version = cfg.version
let versionNode = quote do:
echo `version`; quit 0
cfg.builtinFlags.add BuiltinFlag(
long: "version",
help: newLit("print version"),
short: if 'V' notin shorts: 'V' else: '\x00',
node: versionNode
func parseCliBody(body: NimNode, name = "", root = false): CliCfg =
result.name = name
result.root = true
for call in body:
if call.kind notin [nnkCall, nnkCommand, nnkPrefix]:
error "unexpected node kind: " & $call.kind
@ -361,10 +424,8 @@ func parseCliBody(body: NimNode, name = ""): CliCfg =
result.usage = call[1]
of "description", "...":
result.desc = call[1]
of "globalFlags":
result.globalFlags = parseCliFlags(call[1])
of "flags":
result.flags = parseCliFlags(call[1])
parseCliFlags(result, call[1])
of "settings":
parseCliSettings(result, call)
of "stopWords":
@ -390,32 +451,31 @@ func parseCliBody(body: NimNode, name = ""): CliCfg =
sub.pre = result.preSub
sub.post = result.postSub
result.addInheritedFlags(result, self = true)
if result.name == "":
error "missing required option: name"
# TODO: validate "required" flags exist here
func flagToTuple(f: CliFlag | BuiltinFlag): NimNode =
short =
if f.short != '\x00': newLit($f.short)
else: newLit("")
long = newLit(f.long)
help = f.help
quote do:
(`short`, `long`, `help`)
func flagsArray(cfg: CliCfg): NimNode =
result = newTree(nnkBracket)
for f in cfg.flags:
if f.name in cfg.hidden: continue
help = f.help
long = newLit(f.long)
short =
if f.short != '\x00': newLit($f.short)
else: newLit("")
result.add quote do:
(`short`, `long`, `help`)
if NoHelpFlag notin cfg.settings:
result.add quote do:
("h", "help", "show this help")
if cfg.version != nil:
result.add quote do:
("v", "version", "print version")
result.add f.flagToTuple()
for f in cfg.builtinFlags:
result.add f.flagToTuple()
func subCmdsArray(cfg: CliCfg): NimNode =
result = newTree(nnkBracket)
@ -425,7 +485,7 @@ func subCmdsArray(cfg: CliCfg): NimNode =
result.add quote do:
(`cmd`, `desc`)
proc hwylCliError(msg: string | BbString) =
proc hwylCliError*(msg: string | BbString) =
quit $(bb("error ", "red") & bb(msg))
func defaultUsage(cfg: CliCfg): NimNode =
@ -437,7 +497,6 @@ func defaultUsage(cfg: CliCfg): NimNode =
func generateCliHelperProc(cfg: CliCfg, printHelpName: NimNode): NimNode =
name = newLit(cfg.name)
desc = cfg.desc or newLit("")
usage = cfg.usage or defaultUsage(cfg)
helpFlags = cfg.flagsArray()
@ -446,193 +505,204 @@ func generateCliHelperProc(cfg: CliCfg, printHelpName: NimNode): NimNode =
result = quote do:
proc `printHelpName`() =
echo newHwylCliHelp(
cmd = `name`,
echo bb(render(newHwylCliHelp(
desc = `desc`,
usage = `usage`,
subcmds = `subcmds`,
flags = `helpFlags`,
styles = `styles`,
# NOTE: is there a better way to do this?
proc checkVarSet[T](name: string, target: T) =
var default: T
if target == default:
hwylCliError("missing required flag: [b]" & name)
proc parse*(p: OptParser, key: string, val: string, target: var bool) =
target = true
proc checkDefaultExists[T](target: T, key: string, val: string) =
var default: T
if target == default and val == "":
hwylCliError("expected value for: [b]" & key)
proc parse*(p: OptParser, key: string, val: string, target: var string) =
target = val
proc tryParseInt(key: string, val: string): int =
proc parse*(p: OptParser, key: string, val: string, target: var int) =
result = parseInt(val)
target = parseInt(val)
"failed to parse value for [b]" & key & "[/] as integer: [b]" & val
func addOrOverwrite[T](target: var seq[T], default: seq[T], val: T) =
if target != default:
target.add val
macro enumNames(a: typed): untyped =
## unexported macro copied from std/enumutils
result = newNimNode(nnkBracket)
for ai in a.getType[1][1..^1]:
assert ai.kind == nnkSym
result.add newLit ai.strVal
proc parse*[E: enum](p: OptParser, key: string, val: string, target: var E) =
target = parseEnum[E](val)
let choices = enumNames(E).join(",")
"failed to parse value for [b]" & key & "[/] as enum: [b]" & val & "[/], expected one of: " & choices
proc parse*(p: OptParser, key: string, val: string, target: var float) =
target = parseFloat(val)
"failed to parse value for [b]" & key & "[/] as float: [b]" & val
proc parse*[T](p: OptParser, key: string, val: string, target: var seq[T]) =
var parsed: T
parse(p, key, val, parsed)
target.add parsed
proc parse*(p: OptParser, key: string, val: string, target: var Count) =
# if value set to that otherwise increment
if val != "":
var num: int
parse(p, key, val, num)
target.val = num
target = @[val]
inc target.val
func assignField(f: CliFlag): NimNode =
let key = ident"key"
let varName = ident(f.ident)
func shortLongCaseStmt(cfg: CliCfg, printHelpName: NimNode, version: NimNode): NimNode =
var caseStmt = nnkCaseStmt.newTree()
if NoNormalize notin cfg.settings:
caseStmt.add nnkCall.newTree(ident"optionNormalize", ident"key")
caseStmt.add ident"key"
case f.typeSym
of "string":
let value = ident"val"
result = quote do:
checkDefaultExists(`varName`, `key`, `value`)
`varName` = `value`
of "bool":
let value = ident"true"
result = quote do:
`varName` = `value`
of "int":
let value = ident"val"
result = quote do:
checkDefaultExists(`varName`, `key`, `value`)
`varName` = tryParseInt(`key`, `value`)
of "seq[string]":
let value = ident"val"
let default = f.default or (quote do: @[])
result = quote do:
`varName`.addOrOverwrite(`default`, `value`)
of "seq[int]":
let value = ident"val"
let default = f.default or (quote do: @[])
result = quote do:
`varName`.addOrOverwrite(`default`, tryParseInt(`value`))
else: error "unable to generate assignment for fion, type: " & f.name & "," & f.typeSym
func shortLongCaseStmt(cfg: CliCfg, printHelpName: NimNode, version: NimNode): NimNode =
var caseStmt = nnkCaseStmt.newTree(ident("key"))
caseStmt.add nnkOfBranch.newTree(newLit(""), quote do: hwylCliError("empty flag not supported currently"))
if NoHelpFlag notin cfg.settings:
caseStmt.add nnkOfBranch.newTree(
newLit("h"), newLit("help"),
quote do:
`printHelpName`(); quit 0
if cfg.version != nil:
caseStmt.add nnkOfBranch.newTree(
newLit("V"), newLit("version"),
quote do:
echo `version`; quit 0
for f in cfg.builtinFlags:
var branch = nnkOfBranch.newTree()
if f.long != "": branch.add(newLit(f.long))
if f.short != '\x00': branch.add(newLit($f.short))
branch.add f.node
caseStmt.add branch
# add flags
for f in cfg.flags:
var branch = nnkOfBranch.newTree()
if f.long != "": branch.add(newLit(f.long))
if f.long != "":
branch.add newLit(
if NoNormalize notin cfg.settings: optionNormalize(f.long)
else: f.long
if f.short != '\x00': branch.add(newLit($f.short))
branch.add assignField(f)
let varName = f.ident
let name = newLit(f.name)
branch.add quote do:
flagSet.incl `name`
parse(p, key, val, `varName`)
caseStmt.add branch
caseStmt.add nnkElse.newTree(quote do: hwylCliError("unknown flag: [b]" & key))
result = nnkStmtList.newTree(caseStmt)
func isBool(f: CliFlag): bool =
f.typeNode == ident"bool"
func isCount(f: CliFlag): bool =
f.typeNode == ident"Count"
func getNoVals(cfg: CliCfg): tuple[long: NimNode, short: NimNode] =
var long = nnkBracket.newTree()
var short = nnkCurly.newTree()
if NoHelpFlag notin cfg.settings:
long.add newLit("help")
short.add newLit('h')
if cfg.version != nil:
long.add newLit("version")
short.add newLit('V')
for f in cfg.flags:
if f.typeSym == "bool":
if f.long != "":
long.add newLit(f.long)
if f.short != '\x00':
short.add newLit(f.short)
let flagFlags = cfg.flags.filterIt(it.isBool or it.isCount)
let long =
(flagFlags.mapIt(it.long) & cfg.builtinFlags.mapIt(it.long)).filterIt(it != "").mapIt(newLit(it))
let short =
(flagFlags.mapIt(it.short) & cfg.builtinFlags.mapIt(it.short)).filterIt(it != '\x00').mapIt(newLit(it))
result = (nnkPrefix.newTree(ident"@",long), short)
func setFlagVars(cfg: CliCfg): NimNode =
result = nnkVarSection.newTree()
# TODO: generalize this better...
result = nnkVarSection.newTree().add(
nnkIdentDefs.newTree(it.ident, it.typeNode, newEmptyNode())
func literalFlags(f: CliFlag): NimNode =
var flags: seq[string]
if f.short != '\x00': flags.add "[b]" & "-" & $f.short & "[/]"
if f.long != "": flags.add "[b]" & "--" & f.long & "[/]"
result = newLit(flags.join("|"))
func addPostParseCheck(cfg: CliCfg, body: NimNode) =
## generate block to set defaults and check for required flags
let flagSet = ident"flagSet"
var required, default: seq[CliFlag]
for f in cfg.flags:
t =
if f.typeSym == "seq[string]": nnkBracketExpr.newTree(newIdentNode("seq"),newIdentNode("string"))
elif f.typeSym == "seq[int]" : nnkBracketExpr.newTree(newIdentNode("seq"),newIdentNode("string"))
else: ident(f.typeSym)
val =
if f.default == nil: newEmptyNode() # use default here
else: f.default
if f.name in cfg.required and f.default == nil:
required.add f
elif f.default != nil:
default.add f
result.add nnkIdentDefs.newTree(ident(f.ident), t, val)
func addRequiredFlagsCheck(cfg: CliCfg, body: NimNode) =
let requirdFlags = cfg.flags.filterIt(it.name in cfg.required and it.default == nil)
for f in requirdFlags:
for f in required:
let flagLit = f.literalFlags
let name = newLit(f.name)
let flag = ident(f.ident)
body.add quote do:
checkVarSet(`name`, `flag`)
if `name` notin `flagSet`:
hwylCliError("expected a value for flag: " & `flagLit`)
func hwylCliImpl(cfg: CliCfg, root = false): NimNode =
for f in default:
name = newLit(f.name)
target = f.ident
default = f.default
body.add quote do:
if `name` notin `flagSet`:
`target` = `default`
func hwylCliImpl(cfg: CliCfg): NimNode =
version = cfg.version or newLit("")
name = cfg.name.replace(" ", "")
printHelpName = ident("print" & name & "Help")
parserProcName = ident("parse" & name)
result = newTree(nnkStmtList)
args = ident"args"
optParser = ident("p")
cmdLine = ident"cmdLine"
flagSet = ident"flagSet"
kind = ident"kind"
key = ident"key"
val = ident"val"
(longNoVal, shortNoVal) = cfg.getNoVals()
printHelperProc = generateCliHelperProc(cfg, printHelpName)
flagVars = setFlagVars(cfg)
# result.add setFlagVars(cfg)
result = newTree(nnkStmtList)
var parserBody = nnkStmtList.newTree()
optParser = ident("p")
cmdLine = ident"cmdLine"
(longNoVal, shortNoVal) = cfg.getNoVals()
parserBody = nnkStmtList.newTree()
stopWords = nnkBracket.newTree(newLit("--"))
var stopWords = nnkBracket.newTree(newLit("--"))
for w in cfg.stopWords:
stopWords.add newLit(w)
stopWords = nnkPrefix.newTree(ident"@", stopWords)
# should this a CritBitTree?
parserBody.add quote do:
var `flagSet`: HashSet[string]
quote do:
var `optParser` = initOptParser(
longNoVal = `longNoVal`,
shortNoVal = `shortNoVal`,
stopWords = `stopWords`
stopWords = `stopWords`,
opChars = {','}
kind = ident"kind"
key = ident"key"
val = ident"val"
# TODO: first key needs to be normalized
parserBody.add nnkForStmt.newTree(
kind, key, val,
@ -646,7 +716,10 @@ func hwylCliImpl(cfg: CliCfg, root = false): NimNode =
nnkOfBranch.newTree(ident("cmdError"), quote do: hwylCliError(p.message)),
nnkOfBranch.newTree(ident("cmdEnd"), quote do: assert false),
# TODO: add nArgs to change how cmdArgument is handled ...
nnkOfBranch.newTree(ident("cmdArgument"), quote do: result.add `key`),
quote do:
result.add `key`
ident("cmdShortOption"), ident("cmdLongOption"),
shortLongCaseStmt(cfg, printHelpName, version)
@ -655,14 +728,14 @@ func hwylCliImpl(cfg: CliCfg, root = false): NimNode =
if NoArgsShowHelp in cfg.settings:
if ShowHelp in cfg.settings:
parserBody.add quote do:
if commandLineParams().len == 0:
`printHelpName`(); quit 1
let runProcName = ident("run" & name)
let runBody = nnkStmtList.newTree()
addRequiredFlagsCheck(cfg, runBody)
addPostParseCheck(cfg, parserBody)
# move to proc?
if cfg.pre != nil:
runBody.add cfg.pre
@ -671,32 +744,31 @@ func hwylCliImpl(cfg: CliCfg, root = false): NimNode =
if cfg.post != nil:
runBody.add cfg.post
# let runBody = cfg.run or nnkStmtList.newTree(nnkDiscardStmt.newTree(newEmptyNode()))
let args = ident"args"
if cfg.subcommands.len > 0:
var handleSubCommands = nnkStmtList.newTree()
handleSubCommands.add quote do:
if `args`.len == 0:
hwylCliError("expected subcommand")
var subCommandCase = nnkCaseStmt.newTree(
quote do: `args`[0]
var subCommandCase = nnkCaseStmt.newTree()
if NoNormalize notin cfg.settings:
subCommandCase.add(quote do: optionNormalize(`args`[0]))
subCommandCase.add(quote do: `args`[0])
for sub in cfg.subcommands:
subCommandCase.add nnkOfBranch.newTree(
subcommandCase.add nnkElse.newTree(
quote do:
hwylCliError("unknown subcommand " & `args`[0])
hwylCliError("unknown subcommand: [b]" & `args`[0])
runBody.add handleSubCommands.add subCommandCase
result.add quote do:
# block:
@ -708,7 +780,7 @@ func hwylCliImpl(cfg: CliCfg, root = false): NimNode =
let `args` = `parserProcName`(`cmdLine`)
if root:
if cfg.root:
result.add quote do:
@ -717,51 +789,6 @@ func hwylCliImpl(cfg: CliCfg, root = false): NimNode =
macro hwylCli*(body: untyped) =
## generate a CLI styled by `hwylterm` and parsed by `parseopt3`
var cfg = parseCliBody(body)
hwylCliImpl(cfg, root = true)
when isMainModule:
import std/strformat
name "hwylterm"
... "a description of hwylterm"
T seq[string]
? "path to config file"
* @["config.yml"]
T bool
? "load config and exit"
- c
echo "hello from the main command"
echo fmt"{config=}, {check=}"
--- a
... "the \"a\" subcommand"
`long-flag` "some help"
flagg "some other help"
echo "hello from hwylterm sub command!"
--- b
... """
some "B" command
a longer mulitline description that will be visibil in the subcommand help
it will automatically be "bb"'ed [bold]this is bold text[/]
T bool
? "some help"
? "some other flag?"
* "wow"
echo "hello from hwylterm sub `b` command"
echo aflag, bflag
var cfg = parseCliBody(body, root = true)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
import std/[strformat, strutils]
import hwylterm, hwylterm/hwylcli
Color = enum
red, blue, green
name "example"
V "0.1.0"
... "a description of hwylterm"
T bool
? "set flag to yes"
T seq[string]
? "path to config file"
* @["config.yml"]
echo "this is run after subcommand parsing but before its run block"
echo "this is always run prior to subcommand parsing"
--- "onelonger"
... """
the first subcommand
this command features both an enum flag and a Count flag
it also inherits the `[[config]` flag group
T Color
? "a color (red, green, blue)"
T Count
? "a count flag"
- v
echo "hello from `example one` command!"
echo fmt"{color=}"
echo fmt"{verbose=}"
echo fmt"{config=}"
--- "two-longer"
... """
some second subcommand
a longer mulitline description that will be visible in the subcommand help
and it will automatically be "bb"'ed [bold]this is bold text[/]
T bool
? "some help"
T seq[float]
? "multiple floats"
h "this will override the builtin 'h' for help"
echo "hello from `example b` command"
echo fmt"{a=}, {b=}"
@ -14,25 +14,9 @@
- [ ] add a `commands` option for `newHwylCli` in `hwylterm/cli`
- [ ] console object with customizable options to apply formatting
### cli generato
### cli generator
- [ ] add support for types(metavars)/defaults/required in help output
- [ ] abstract the `globalFlags` argument to a `flagGroups` section with a builtin `global`
this would allow users to "inherit" flag groups in subcommands
# global flag group auto propagated down
--- global
config "path to config"
--- shared
`a-flag` "some shared flag"
-- sub
unique "some unique flag"
## features
Reference in a new issue