mirror of
synced 2024-12-21 10:40:44 -06:00
subcommand aliases
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 63 additions and 31 deletions
@ -154,6 +154,8 @@ type
groups: seq[string]
CliCfg = object
name*: string
alias*: HashSet[string]
stopWords*: seq[string]
styles: NimNode
hidden*: seq[string]
@ -161,7 +163,6 @@ type
settings*: set[CliSetting]
preSub*, postSub*, pre*, post*, run*: NimNode
desc*: NimNode
name*: string
subName*: string # used for help the generator
version*, usage*: NimNode
flags*: seq[CliFlag]
@ -171,12 +172,17 @@ type
inherit*: Inherit
root*: bool
# some debug procs I use to wrap my ahead aroung the magic of *macro*
func `<<<`(n: NimNode) {.used.} =
## for debugging macros
debugEcho treeRepr n
func `<<<`(s: string) {.used.} =
template `<<<`(s: string) {.used.} =
let pos = instantiationInfo()
debugEcho "$1:$2" % [pos.filename, $pos.line]
debugEcho s
debugEcho "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"
# some debug procs I use to wrap my ahead aroung the magic of *macro*
template `<<<`(n: NimNode) {.used.} =
## for debugging macros
<<< astToStr n
<<< treeRepr n
func bad(n: NimNode, argument: string = "") =
var msg = "unexpected node kind: " & $n.kind
@ -258,7 +264,6 @@ func parseCliFlags(cfg: var CliCfg, node: NimNode) =
var group: string
expectKind node, nnkStmtList
for n in node:
<<< n
var flag: CliFlag
case n.kind
of nnkCall, nnkCommand:
@ -443,9 +448,23 @@ func addBuiltinFlags(cfg: var CliCfg) =
node: versionNode
func pasrseCliAlias(cfg: var CliCfg, node: NimNode) =
# node[0] is "alias"
for n in node[1..^1]:
case n.kind
of nnkIdent, nnkStrLit:
cfg.alias.incl n.strVal
of nnkAccQuoted:
let s = n.mapIt(it.strVal).join("")
cfg.alias.incl s
else: bad(n, "alias")
func parseCliBody(body: NimNode, name = "", root = false): CliCfg =
result.name = name
result.root = root
# TDOO: change call to n or node?
for call in body:
if call.kind notin [nnkCall, nnkCommand, nnkPrefix]:
error "unexpected node kind: " & $call.kind
@ -454,6 +473,9 @@ func parseCliBody(body: NimNode, name = "", root = false): CliCfg =
of "name":
expectKind call[1], nnkStrLit
result.name = call[1].strVal
of "alias":
if root: error "alias not supported for root command"
pasrseCliAlias(result, call)
of "version", "V":
result.version = call[1]
of "usage", "?":
@ -694,6 +716,38 @@ func addPostParseCheck(cfg: CliCfg, body: NimNode) =
if `name` notin `flagSet`:
`target` = `default`
func hwylCliImpl(cfg: CliCfg): NimNode
func genSubcommandHandler(cfg: CliCfg): NimNode =
let args = ident"args"
result = nnkStmtList.newTree()
result.add quote do:
if `args`.len == 0:
hwylCliError("expected subcommand")
var subCommandCase = nnkCaseStmt.newTree()
if NoNormalize notin cfg.settings:
subCommandCase.add(quote do: optionNormalize(`args`[0]))
subCommandCase.add(quote do: `args`[0])
for sub in cfg.subcommands:
var branch = nnkOfBranch.newTree()
branch.add newLit(optionNormalize(sub.subName))
for a in sub.alias:
branch.add newLit(optionNormalize(a))
branch.add hwylCliImpl(sub)
subcommandCase.add branch
subcommandCase.add nnkElse.newTree(
quote do:
hwylCliError("unknown subcommand: [b]" & `args`[0])
result.add subCommandCase
func hwylCliImpl(cfg: CliCfg): NimNode =
version = cfg.version or newLit("")
@ -779,29 +833,7 @@ func hwylCliImpl(cfg: CliCfg): NimNode =
runBody.add cfg.post
if cfg.subcommands.len > 0:
var handleSubCommands = nnkStmtList.newTree()
handleSubCommands.add quote do:
if `args`.len == 0:
hwylCliError("expected subcommand")
var subCommandCase = nnkCaseStmt.newTree()
if NoNormalize notin cfg.settings:
subCommandCase.add(quote do: optionNormalize(`args`[0]))
subCommandCase.add(quote do: `args`[0])
for sub in cfg.subcommands:
subCommandCase.add nnkOfBranch.newTree(
subcommandCase.add nnkElse.newTree(
quote do:
hwylCliError("unknown subcommand: [b]" & `args`[0])
runBody.add handleSubCommands.add subCommandCase
runBody.add genSubcommandHandler(cfg)
result.add quote do:
# block:
@ -814,7 +846,6 @@ func hwylCliImpl(cfg: CliCfg): NimNode =
let `args` {.used.} = `parserProcName`(`cmdLine`)
# if cfg.root and (GenerateOnly notin cfg.settings):
if cfg.root:
if GenerateOnly notin cfg.settings:
result.add quote do:
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ hwylCli:
it also inherits the `[[shared]` flag group
alias o,"one", `one-l`
T Color
Reference in a new issue