#[ # fetch all repos from user -> first 100 curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $GITHUB_TOKEN" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ 'https://api.github.com/users/daylinmorgan/repos?per_page=100' > repos.json ]# {.define: ssl.} import std/[ httpclient, json, os, osproc, options, strformat, strutils, sugar ] type Repo = object name: string description: string html_url: string template use(client: HttpClient, body: untyped) = try: body finally: client.close() proc getGhRepos(): seq[Repo] = let token = getEnv("GITHUB_TOKEN") url = "https://api.github.com/users/daylinmorgan/repos?per_page=100" var response: string headers = @[ ("Accept", "application/vnd.github+json"), ("X-GitHub-Api-Version", "2022-11-28") ] if token != "": headers.add ("Authorization", "Bearer " & token) var client = newHttpClient(headers = newHttpHeaders(headers)) use client: response = client.getContent(url) parseJson(response).to(seq[Repo]) proc getSoftRepos(): seq[string] = let (output, errCode) = execCmdEx("ssh -p 23231 localhost repos list") if errCode != 0: echo "error fetching repos" echo "result:" echo output quit(QuitFailure) return output.strip().split "\n" proc mirrorToSoft(repo: Repo, dryRun: bool) = var cmd = "ssh -p 23231 localhost repos import " cmd.add fmt"{repo.name} {repo.html_url} -m " if repo.description != "": # I've never had such problems with quotes before cmd.add fmt("""-d \"{quoteshell(repo.description)}\"""") echo cmd if not dryrun: let (output, errCode) = execCmdEx(cmd) if errCode != 0: echo "ERROR:" echo output when isMainModule: import std/parseopt # const reposList = slurp("repos.txt").strip().split("\n") let reposList = readFile("repos.txt").strip().split('\n') var dryrun = false var p = initOptParser() for kind, key, val in p.getopt(): case kind: of cmdEnd: break of cmdShortOption, cmdLongOption: case key: of "n", "--dryrun": dryrun = true else: echo "unexpected option/value -> ", key, ", ", val of cmdArgument: echo "unknown argument: ", key let ghRepos = getGhRepos() softRepos = getSoftRepos() toBeMirrored = collect: for repo in ghRepos: if repo.name in reposList and repo.name notin softRepos: repo if toBeMirrored.len > 0: for repo in toBeMirrored: mirrorToSoft(repo, dryrun)