modkey = "Mod4" mousekey = "Mod4" workspaces = [] tags = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"] layouts = ["MainAndVertStack", "Monocle", "EvenVertical", "CenterMainBalanced"] layout_mode = "Workspace" disable_current_tag_swap = false focus_behaviour = "Sloppy" focus_new_windows = true window_rules = [ {window_class = "wavebox", spawn_on_tag = 8} ] ##################################### # Program Specific Settings ##################################### # ------ # Rofi # ------ [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "~/.config/leftwm/themes/current/rofi/bin/" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "p" [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "~/.config/leftwm/themes/current/rofi/bin/" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "p" [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "~/.config/leftwm/themes/current/rofi/bin/" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "k" [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "~/.config/leftwm/themes/current/rofi/bin/" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "b" [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "thunar" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "e" [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "alacritty" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "Return" [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "~/bin/lock" modifier = ["modkey", "Control"] key = "l" [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "flameshot gui" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "s" [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "flameshot screen -n 0" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "s" [[scratchpad]] name = "Alacritty" # This is the name which is referenced when calling (case-sensitive) value = "alacritty" # The command to load the application if it isn't started # x, y, width, height are in pixels when an integer is inputted or a percentage when a float is inputted. # These values are relative to the size of the workspace, and will be restricted depending on the workspace size. x = 0.1 y = 0.1 height = 0.8 width = 0.8 [[keybind]] command = "ToggleScratchPad" value = "Alacritty" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "t" ##################################### # LeftWM Keybindings ##################################### [[keybind]] command = "CloseWindow" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "q" [[keybind]] command = "SoftReload" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "r" [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "loginctl kill-session $XDG_SESSION_ID" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "x" [[keybind]] command = "MoveToLastWorkspace" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "w" [[keybind]] command = "SwapTags" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "w" # [[keybind]] # command = "MoveWindowUp" # modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] # key = "k" [[keybind]] command = "MoveWindowDown" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "j" [[keybind]] command = "MoveWindowTop" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "Return" [[keybind]] command = "FocusWindowUp" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "k" [[keybind]] command = "FocusWindowDown" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "j" [[keybind]] command = "NextLayout" modifier = ["modkey", "Control"] key = "k" #[[keybind]] #command = "PreviousLayout" #modifier = ["modkey", "Control"] #key = "j" [[keybind]] command = "FocusWorkspaceNext" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "l" [[keybind]] command = "FocusWorkspacePrevious" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "h" [[keybind]] command = "MoveWindowUp" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "Up" [[keybind]] command = "MoveWindowDown" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "Down" [[keybind]] command = "FocusWindowUp" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "Up" [[keybind]] command = "FocusWindowDown" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "Down" [[keybind]] command = "NextLayout" modifier = ["modkey", "Control"] key = "Up" [[keybind]] command = "PreviousLayout" modifier = ["modkey", "Control"] key = "Down" [[keybind]] command = "FocusWorkspaceNext" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "Right" [[keybind]] command = "FocusWorkspacePrevious" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "Left" [[keybind]] command = "GotoTag" value = "1" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "1" [[keybind]] command = "GotoTag" value = "2" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "2" [[keybind]] command = "GotoTag" value = "3" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "3" [[keybind]] command = "GotoTag" value = "4" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "4" [[keybind]] command = "GotoTag" value = "5" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "5" [[keybind]] command = "GotoTag" value = "6" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "6" [[keybind]] command = "GotoTag" value = "7" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "7" [[keybind]] command = "GotoTag" value = "8" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "8" [[keybind]] command = "GotoTag" value = "9" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "9" [[keybind]] command = "MoveToTag" value = "1" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "1" [[keybind]] command = "MoveToTag" value = "2" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "2" [[keybind]] command = "MoveToTag" value = "3" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "3" [[keybind]] command = "MoveToTag" value = "4" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "4" [[keybind]] command = "MoveToTag" value = "5" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "5" [[keybind]] command = "MoveToTag" value = "6" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "6" [[keybind]] command = "MoveToTag" value = "7" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "7" [[keybind]] command = "MoveToTag" value = "8" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "8" [[keybind]] command = "MoveToTag" value = "9" modifier = ["modkey", "Shift"] key = "9" [[keybind]] command = "IncreaseMainWidth" value = "5" modifier = ["modkey", "Control"] key = "j" [[keybind]] command = "DecreaseMainWidth" value = "5" modifier = ["modkey", "Control"] key = "h" [[keybind]] command = "ToggleFullScreen" modifier = ["modkey"] key = "f" ##################################### # System Specific Settings ##################################### [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "amixer set 'Master' 10%-" modifier = [] key = "XF86XK_AudioLowerVolume" [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "amixer set 'Master' 10%+" modifier = [] key = "XF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume" [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "amixer sset 'Master' toggle" modifier = [] key = "XF86XK_AudioMute" [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "light -A 5" modifier = [] key = "XF86XK_MonBrightnessUp" [[keybind]] command = "Execute" value = "light -U 5" modifier = [] key = "XF86XK_MonBrightnessDown"