#!/usr/bin/env zsh # Load zprof first if we need to profile. [[ ${ZPROFRC:-0} -eq 0 ]] || zmodload zsh/zprof alias zprofrc="ZPROFRC=1 zsh" setopt extended_glob # Autoload functions directory and its subdirs. for funcdir in $ZDOTDIR/functions $ZDOTDIR/functions/*(N/); do fpath=($funcdir $fpath) autoload -Uz $fpath[1]/*(.:t) done unset funcdir # Be sure to set any supplemental completions directories before compinit is run. fpath=(${ZDOTDIR}/completions(-/FN) $fpath) [[ -d ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.antidote ]] || git clone https://github.com/mattmc3/antidote ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.antidote # Set the name of the static .zsh plugins file antidote will generate. zsh_plugins=${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zplugins.zsh # Ensure you have a .zplugins file where you can add plugins. [[ -f ${zsh_plugins:r} ]] || touch ${zsh_plugins:r} # Lazy-load antidote. fpath+=(${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.antidote/functions) autoload -Uz $fpath[-1]/antidote # Generate static file in a subshell when .zplugins is updated. if [[ ! $zsh_plugins -nt ${zsh_plugins:r} ]]; then (antidote bundle <${zsh_plugins:r} >|$zsh_plugins) fi # Source your static plugins file. source $zsh_plugins