# `sheldon` configuration file
# ----------------------------
# You can modify this file directly or you can use one of the following
# `sheldon` commands which are provided to assist in editing the config file:
# - `sheldon add` to add a new plugin to the config file
# - `sheldon edit` to open up the config file in the default editor
# - `sheldon remove` to remove a plugin from the config file
# See the documentation for more https://github.com/rossmacarthur/sheldon#readme

shell = "zsh"


# oh-my-zsh plugins
github = 'ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh'
dir = 'plugins'
use = ['{dotenv,extract}/*.plugin.zsh']

github = 'ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh'
dir = "lib"
use = ['{completion,clipboard}.zsh']

github = "chriskempson/base16-shell"

github = "romkatv/zsh-defer"

github = "marlonrichert/zcolors"

github = "zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting"
apply = ["defer"]

github = "Aloxaf/fzf-tab"
apply = ["defer"]

defer = "{% for file in files %}zsh-defer source \"{{ file }}\"\n{% endfor %}"