from macros import error from strutils import `%`, endsWith, strip, replace from sequtils import filterIt, concat const nimVersion = (major: NimMajor, minor: NimMinor, patch: NimPatch) when nimVersion <= (0, 19, 9): from ospaths import `/`, splitPath, splitFile when not defined(projectDir): let projectDir = getCurrentDir echo "\nprojectDir() is not defined, fallback to getCurrentDir(), you must run it from the project directory (needs Nim devel).\n" else: when nimVersion < (1, 2, 0): from os import `/`, splitPath, splitFile import oswalkdir # This was deprecated in Nim 1.2.0; just use "import os" instead else: when nimVersion < (1, 3, 0): from os import `/`, splitPath, splitFile, walkDirRec, pcFile, pcDir else: # nim devel import std/[os] when nimVersion >= (1, 7, 3): import std/[assertions] # for doAssert # Switches hint("Processing", false) # Do not print the "Hint: .. [Processing]" messages when compiling # Use Dragonbox by default - switch("define", "nimFpRoundtrips") when nimVersion >= (0, 20, 0): when defined(strictMode): switch("styleCheck", "error") else: switch("styleCheck", "hint") ## Constants const doOptimize = true stripSwitches = @["--strip-all", "--remove-section=.comment", "", "--remove-section=.note", "", "--remove-section=.note.ABI-tag"] # upxSwitches = @["--best"] # fast upxSwitches = @["--ultra-brute"] # slower checksumsSwitches = @["--tag"] gpgSignSwitches = @["--clear-sign", "--armor", "--detach-sign", "--digest-algo sha512"] gpgEncryptSwitches = @["--armor", "--symmetric", "--s2k-digest-algo sha512", "--cipher-algo AES256", "-z 9"] # 9=Max, 0=Disabled proc getGitRootMaybe(): string = ## Try to get the path to the current git root directory. ## Return ``projectDir()`` if a ``.git`` directory is not found. const maxAttempts = 10 # arbitrarily picked var path = projectDir() # projectDir() needs nim 0.20.0 (or nim devel as of Tue Oct 16 08:41:09 EDT 2018) attempt = 0 while (attempt < maxAttempts) and (not dirExists(path / ".git")): path = path / "../" attempt += 1 if dirExists(path / ".git"): result = path else: result = projectDir() ## Lets let root = getGitRootMaybe() (_, pkgName) = root.splitPath() srcFile = root / "src" / (pkgName & ".nim") # pcre pcreVersion = getEnv("PCREVER", "8.42") pcreSourceDir = "pcre-" & pcreVersion pcreArchiveFile = pcreSourceDir & ".tar.bz2" pcreDownloadLink = "" & pcreArchiveFile pcreInstallDir = (root / "pcre/") & pcreVersion # pcreConfigureCmd = ["./configure", "--prefix=" & pcreInstallDir, "--enable-pcre16", "--enable-pcre32", "--disable-shared"] pcreLibDir = pcreInstallDir / "lib" pcreLibFile = pcreLibDir / "libpcre.a" # libressl libreSslVersion = getEnv("LIBRESSLVER", "2.8.1") libreSslSourceDir = "libressl-" & libreSslVersion libreSslArchiveFile = libreSslSourceDir & ".tar.gz" libreSslDownloadLink = "" & libreSslArchiveFile libreSslInstallDir = (root / "libressl/") & libreSslVersion libreSslConfigureCmd = ["./configure", "--disable-shared", "--prefix=" & libreSslInstallDir] libreSslLibDir = libreSslInstallDir / "lib" libreSslLibFile = libreSslLibDir / "libssl.a" libreCryptoLibFile = libreSslLibDir / "libcrypto.a" libreSslIncludeDir = libreSslInstallDir / "include/openssl" # openssl openSslSeedConfigOsCompiler = "linux-x86_64" openSslVersion = getEnv("OPENSSLVER", "1.1.1") openSslSourceDir = "openssl-" & openSslVersion openSslArchiveFile = openSslSourceDir & ".tar.gz" openSslDownloadLink = "" & openSslArchiveFile openSslInstallDir = (root / "openssl/") & openSslVersion # "no-async" is needed for openssl to compile using musl # - # - # -DOPENSSL_NO_SECURE_MEMORY is needed to make openssl compile using musl. # - openSslConfigureCmd = ["./Configure", openSslSeedConfigOsCompiler, "no-shared", "no-zlib", "no-async", "-fPIC", "-DOPENSSL_NO_SECURE_MEMORY", "--prefix=" & openSslInstallDir] openSslLibDir = openSslInstallDir / "lib" openSslLibFile = openSslLibDir / "libssl.a" openCryptoLibFile = openSslLibDir / "libcrypto.a" openSslIncludeDir = openSslInstallDir / "include/openssl" # Custom Header file to force to link to GLibC 2.5, for old Linux (x86_64). glibc25DownloadLink = "" ## Helper Procs # proc dollar[T](s: T): string = result = $s proc mapconcat[T](s: openArray[T]; sep = " "; op: proc(x: T): string = dollar): string = ## Concatenate elements of ``s`` after applying ``op`` to each element. ## Separate each element using ``sep``. for i, x in s: result.add(op(x)) if i < s.len-1: result.add(sep) proc parseArgs(): tuple[switches: seq[string], nonSwitches: seq[string]] = ## Parse the args and return its components as ## ``(switches, nonSwitches)``. let numParams = paramCount() # count starts at 0 # So "nim musl foo.nim" will have a count of 2. # param 0 will always be "nim" doAssert numParams >= 1 # param 1 will always be the task name like "musl". let subCmd = paramStr(1) if numParams < 2: error("The '$1' sub-command needs at least one non-switch argument" % [subCmd]) for i in 2 .. numParams: if paramStr(i)[0] == '-': # -d:foo or --define:foo result.switches.add(paramStr(i)) else: result.nonSwitches.add(paramStr(i)) proc runUtil(f, util: string; args: seq[string]) = ## Run ``util`` executable with ``args`` on ``f`` file. doAssert findExe(util) != "", "'$1' executable was not found" % [util] let cmd = concat(@[util], args, @[f]).mapconcat() echo "Running '$1' .." % [cmd] exec cmd template preBuild(targetPlusSwitches: string) = assert targetPlusSwitches.len > 0, "Build arguments must not be empty" when defined(libressl) and defined(openssl): error("Define only 'libressl' or 'openssl', not both.") let (switches, nimFiles) = parseArgs() assert nimFiles.len > 0, """ This nim sub-command accepts at least one Nim file name Examples: nim FILE.nim nim FILE1.nim FILE2.nim nim -d:pcre FILE.nim """ var allBuildCmds {.inject.} = newSeqOfCap[tuple[nimArgs, binFile: string]](nimFiles.len) for f in nimFiles: let extraSwitches = switches.mapconcat() (dirName, baseName, tmpVar) = splitFile(f) binFile = dirName / baseName # Save the binary in the same dir as the nim file nimArgsArray = when doOptimize: [targetPlusSwitches, "-d:musl", "-d:release", "--opt:size", "--passL:-s", "--listFullPaths:off", "--excessiveStackTrace:off", extraSwitches, " --out:" & binFile, f] else: [targetPlusSwitches, "-d:musl", extraSwitches, " --out:" & binFile, f] nimArgs = nimArgsArray.mapconcat() discard tmpVar # Avoid the "declared but not used" warning. Workaround for allBuildCmds.add((nimArgs: nimArgs, binFile: binFile)) ## Tasks task installPcre, "Install PCRE using musl-gcc": if not fileExists(pcreLibFile): if not dirExists(pcreSourceDir): if not fileExists(pcreArchiveFile): exec("curl -LO " & pcreDownloadLink) exec("tar xf " & pcreArchiveFile) else: echo "PCRE lib source dir " & pcreSourceDir & " already exists" withDir pcreSourceDir: putEnv("CC", "musl-gcc -static") exec(pcreConfigureCmd.mapconcat()) exec("make -j8") exec("make install") else: echo pcreLibFile & " already exists" setCommand("nop") task installLibreSsl, "Install LIBRESSL using musl-gcc": if (not fileExists(libreSslLibFile)) or (not fileExists(libreCryptoLibFile)): if not dirExists(libreSslSourceDir): if not fileExists(libreSslArchiveFile): exec("curl -LO " & libreSslDownloadLink) exec("tar xf " & libreSslArchiveFile) else: echo "LibreSSL lib source dir " & libreSslSourceDir & " already exists" withDir libreSslSourceDir: # -idirafter /usr/include/ # Needed for linux/sysctl.h # -idirafter /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/ # Needed for Travis/Ubuntu build to pass, for asm/types.h putEnv("CC", "musl-gcc -static -idirafter /usr/include/ -idirafter /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/") putEnv("C_INCLUDE_PATH", libreSslIncludeDir) exec(libreSslConfigureCmd.mapconcat()) exec("make -j8 -C crypto") # build just the "crypto" component exec("make -j8 -C ssl") # build just the "ssl" component exec("make -C crypto install") exec("make -C ssl install") else: echo libreSslLibFile & " already exists" setCommand("nop") task installOpenSsl, "Install OPENSSL using musl-gcc": if (not fileExists(openSslLibFile)) or (not fileExists(openCryptoLibFile)): if not dirExists(openSslSourceDir): if not fileExists(openSslArchiveFile): exec("curl -LO " & openSslDownloadLink) exec("tar xf " & openSslArchiveFile) else: echo "OpenSSL lib source dir " & openSslSourceDir & " already exists" withDir openSslSourceDir: # # -idirafter /usr/include/ # Needed for Travis/Ubuntu build to pass, for linux/version.h, etc. # -idirafter /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/ # Needed for Travis/Ubuntu build to pass, for asm/types.h putEnv("CC", "musl-gcc -static -idirafter /usr/include/ -idirafter /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/") putEnv("C_INCLUDE_PATH", openSslIncludeDir) exec(openSslConfigureCmd.mapconcat()) echo "The insecure switch -DOPENSSL_NO_SECURE_MEMORY is needed so that OpenSSL can be compiled using MUSL." exec("make -j8 depend") exec("make -j8") exec("make install_sw") else: echo openSslLibFile & " already exists" setCommand("nop") task strip, "Optimize the binary size using 'strip' utility": ## Usage: nim strip .. let (_, binFiles) = parseArgs() for f in binFiles: f.runUtil("strip", stripSwitches) setCommand("nop") task upx, "Optimize the binary size using 'upx' utility": ## Usage: nim upx .. let (_, binFiles) = parseArgs() for f in binFiles: f.runUtil("upx", upxSwitches) setCommand("nop") task checksums, "Generate checksums of the binary using 'sha1sum' and 'md5sum'": ## Usage: nim checksums .. let (_, binFiles) = parseArgs() for f in binFiles: f.runUtil("md5sum", checksumsSwitches) f.runUtil("sha1sum", checksumsSwitches) setCommand("nop") task sign, "Sign the binary using 'gpg' (armored, ascii)": ## Usage: nim sign .. let (_, binFiles) = parseArgs() for f in binFiles: f.runUtil("gpg", gpgSignSwitches) setCommand("nop") task encrypt, "Encrypt the binary using 'gpg' (compressed, symmetric, ascii)": ## Usage: nim encrypt .. # Decrypt is just double click or 'gpg --decrypt' (Asks Password). let (_, binFiles) = parseArgs() for f in binFiles: f.runUtil("gpg", gpgEncryptSwitches) setCommand("nop") task musl, "Build an optimized static binary using musl": ## Usage: nim musl [-d:pcre] [-d:libressl|-d:openssl] .. preBuild("c") for cmd in allBuildCmds: # Build binary echo "\nRunning 'nim " & cmd.nimArgs & "' .." selfExec cmd.nimArgs when doOptimize: cmd.binFile.runUtil("strip", stripSwitches) cmd.binFile.runUtil("upx", upxSwitches) echo "Built: " & cmd.binFile task glibc25, "Build C, dynamically linked to GLibC 2.5 (x86_64)": ## Usage: nim glibc25 file.nim # See let header = getCurrentDir() / "force_link_glibc_2.5.h" optns = ["-ffast-math", "-flto", "-include" & header] # Don't use -march here if not fileExists(header): exec("curl -LO " & glibc25DownloadLink) var passCSwitches: string for o in optns: passCSwitches.add(" --passC:" & o) preBuild("c -d:ssl" & passCSwitches) for cmd in allBuildCmds: echo "\nRunning 'nim " & cmd.nimArgs # preBuild auto-adds "-d:musl", so remove that. # FIXME: Make preBuild not always add that switch. -- Thu Jun 13 12:13:17 EDT 2019 - kmodi selfExec cmd.nimArgs.replace("-d:musl", "") when doOptimize: cmd.binFile.runUtil("strip", stripSwitches) # Version check -- Changes from GLIBC_2.15 to GLIBC_2.5 cmd.binFile.runUtil("ldd", @["-v"]) task js2asm, "Build JS, print Assembly from that JS (performance debug)": ## Usage: nim js2asm .. # This debugs performance of JavaScript, the less ASM the better JS. # This ASM is NOT usable as proper ASM, just for Debug performance. preBuild("js") for cmd in allBuildCmds: echo "\nRunning 'nim " & cmd.nimArgs selfExec cmd.nimArgs cmd.binFile.runUtil("node", @["--print_code"]) task c2asm, "Build C, print Assembly from that C (performance debug)": ## Usage: nim c2asm .. # This debugs performance of Nim, the less ASM the better your Nim. const optns = [ # This cleans up the produced ASM as much as possible. "-ffast-math", "-march=native", "-fno-math-errno", "-fno-exceptions", "-fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables", "-fno-inline-functions", "-std=c11", "-fno-inline-functions-called-once", "-fno-inline-small-functions", "-xc", "-s", "-S", "-O3", "-masm=intel", "-o-"] var passCSwitches: string for o in optns: passCSwitches.add(" --passC:" & o) preBuild("compileToC --compileOnly:on -d:danger -d:noSignalHandler" & passCSwitches) for cmd in allBuildCmds: echo "\nRunning 'nim " & cmd.nimArgs selfExec cmd.nimArgs let cSource = nimcacheDir() / cmd.binFile & ".nim.c" cSource.runUtil("gcc", @optns) task fmt, "Run nimpretty on all git-managed .nim files in the current repo": ## Usage: nim fmt for file in walkDirRec(root, {pcFile, pcDir}): if file.splitFile().ext == ".nim": let # # fileIsGitManaged = gorgeEx("cd $1 && git ls-files --error-unmatch $2" % [getCurrentDir(), file]).exitCode == 0 # ^^^^^-- That "cd" is required. if fileIsGitManaged: let cmd = "nimpretty $1" % [file] echo "Running $1 .." % [cmd] exec(cmd) setCommand("nop") task rmfiles, "Recursively remove all files with the specific extension(s) from the current directory": ## Usage: nim rmfiles pyc c o for extToDelete in parseArgs().nonSwitches: # Invalid Patterns: "", " ", "\t" assert extToDelete.strip.len > 0, "Specified extension must not be whitespace or empty string" assert extToDelete[0] != '.', "Do not prefix the extensions with dot" for file in walkDirRec(getCurrentDir(), {pcFile, pcDir}): if file.splitFile().ext == "." & extToDelete: # echo "file to delete: ", file rmFile(file) setCommand("nop") task test, "Run tests via 'nim doc' (runnableExamples) and tests in tests/ dir": let testDir = root / "tests" selfExec("doc " & srcFile) if dirExists(testDir): let testFiles = listFiles(testDir).filterIt(it.len >= 5 and it.endsWith(".nim")) for t in testFiles: selfExec "c -r " & t when nimVersion >= (1, 3, 5): task docs, "Deploy doc html + search index to public/ directory": let deployDir = root / "public" selfExec("doc --project --outdir:$1 $2" % [deployDir, srcFile]) # generates search index and theindex.html too. withDir deployDir: # Move PKGNAME.html to index.html so that we can access the # documentation on a clean URL like instead of # mvFile(pkgName & ".html", "index.html") # As we renamed the file, we need to rename that in hyperlinks # and the search index too. for file in walkDirRec(".", {pcFile}): exec(r"sed -i -r 's|$1\.html|index.html|g' $2" % [pkgName, file]) else: task docs, "Deploy doc html + search index to public/ directory": let deployDir = root / "public" docOutBaseName = "index" deployHtmlFile = deployDir / (docOutBaseName & ".html") genDocCmd = "nim doc --out:$1 --index:on $2" % [deployHtmlFile, srcFile] genTheIndexCmd = "nim buildIndex -o:$1/theindex.html $1" % [deployDir] deployJsFile = deployDir / "dochack.js" docHackJsSource = "" # devel docs dochack.js mkDir(deployDir) exec(genDocCmd) exec(genTheIndexCmd) if not fileExists(deployJsFile): withDir deployDir: exec("curl -LO " & docHackJsSource) # task runc, "Run equivalent of 'nim c -r ..'": switch("run") switch("verbosity", "0") hint("Processing", false) setCommand("c") task runcpp, "Run equivalent of 'nim cpp -r ..'": switch("run") switch("verbosity", "0") hint("Processing", false) setCommand("cpp") ## Define Switch Parsing # -d:musl when defined(musl): var muslGccPath: string echo " [-d:musl] Building a static binary using musl .." muslGccPath = findExe("musl-gcc") if muslGccPath == "": error("'musl-gcc' binary was not found in PATH.") switch("passL", "-static") switch("gcc.exe", muslGccPath) switch("gcc.linkerexe", muslGccPath) # -d:pcre when defined(pcre): let pcreIncludeDir = pcreInstallDir / "include" if not fileExists(pcreLibFile): selfExec "installPcre" # Install PCRE in current dir if pcreLibFile is not found switch("passC", "-I" & pcreIncludeDir) # So that pcre.h is found when running the musl task switch("define", "usePcreHeader") switch("passL", pcreLibFile) # -d:libressl or -d:openssl when defined(libressl) or defined(openssl): switch("define", "ssl") # Pass -d:ssl to nim when defined(libressl): let sslLibFile = libreSslLibFile cryptoLibFile = libreCryptoLibFile sslIncludeDir = libreSslIncludeDir sslLibDir = libreSslLibDir when defined(openssl): let sslLibFile = openSslLibFile cryptoLibFile = openCryptoLibFile sslIncludeDir = openSslIncludeDir sslLibDir = openSslLibDir if (not fileExists(sslLibFile)) or (not fileExists(cryptoLibFile)): # Install SSL in current dir if sslLibFile or cryptoLibFile is not found when defined(libressl): selfExec "installLibreSsl" when defined(openssl): selfExec "installOpenSsl" switch("passC", "-I" & sslIncludeDir) # So that ssl.h is found when running the musl task switch("passL", "-L" & sslLibDir) switch("passL", "-lssl") switch("passL", "-lcrypto") # This *has* to come *after* -lssl switch("dynlibOverride", "libssl") switch("dynlibOverride", "libcrypto")