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2023-02-17 09:26:31 -06:00
# .zsh_plugins.txt - antidote plugins file
### Overview
# The `.zsh_plugins.txt` file is used by antidote to configure Zsh bundles. Bundles are
# just a fancy way of referring to Zsh utilities, frameworks, prompts, or plugins.
# `.zsh_plugins.txt` is used by antidote to generate a static `.zsh_plugins.zsh` file,
# which can then be sourced in your `.zshrc`. You can use this file as a starting point
# for your own config. Strip out instructional comments (ie: lines beginning with a '#')
# and any plugins you don't need, then add what you like and make it yours!
# NOTE: Order matters in this file! Some bundles need to be last, and others are
# prerequisites. Read the documentation for the plugins you use to ensure proper
# configuration.
### Utilities
# Utilities aren't traditional Zsh plugins - they aren't sourced Zsh scripts. Instead
# they provide commands that can be executed from your terminal session. One good
# example is zsh-bench, which is a utility that benchmarks your Zsh config. Utility
# bundles can often be made available simply with the `kind:path` annotation.
romkatv/zsh-bench kind:path
### Framework: Oh-My-Zsh
ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh path:lib/clipboard.zsh
ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh path:plugins/copybuffer
ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh path:plugins/copyfile
ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh path:plugins/copypath
ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh path:plugins/extract
ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh path:plugins/magic-enter
ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh path:plugins/fancy-ctrl-z
### Framework: zsh-utils
# zsh-utils is a micro-framework that is also well suited to pair with antidote. It
# provides much of the same core functionality from other bigger frameworks without the
# bloat or performance hit. Using zsh-utils, you may find you don't need much else.
# If you want a really thin framework, this is great.
belak/zsh-utils path:history
belak/zsh-utils path:utility
#belak/zsh-utils path:editor
#belak/zsh-utils path:prompt
#belak/zsh-utils path:completion
### Deferred Plugins
# Antidote allows you to defer loading plugins. This is similar to concepts like "turbo
# mode" in other plugin managers. Antidote handles deferring plugins by leveraging
# romkatv/zsh-defer, which "defers execution of a zsh command until zsh has nothing else
# to do and is waiting for user input". In general, you should not defer plugins unless
# you know for sure they properly support deferred loading, and there are no adverse
# side-effects (see: However, for
# certain plugins, this can greatly increase your zsh startup speed.
# Syntax highlighting
#zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting kind:defer
zdharma-continuum/fast-syntax-highlighting kind:defer
Aloxaf/fzf-tab kind:defer
### Completions
# You may want to add some additional completions to Zsh. Completions look in your fpath
# for completion functions, which are functions named with a leading underscore
# (eg: _git). You need to add all supplemental completions to your fpath prior to
# running `compinit` to use completions functionality properly. You will want to find
# a completion plugin that runs `compinit` for you, or you can run it yourself in
# your .zshrc after antidote loads like this:
# autoload -Uz compinit && compinit
# zsh-users/zsh-completions is a popular plugin for adding supplemental completions.
# We combine the `path:` and `kind:fpath` annotations here:
zsh-users/zsh-completions path:src kind:fpath
# Compinit plugins should be near the end of .zsh_plugins.txt so that $fpath has been
# fully populated. Use zsh-utils for its completion plugin.
belak/zsh-utils path:completion
### Final Plugins
# Remember plugin order matters! Put plugins that need run last at the bottom of your
# .zsh_plugins.txt file.
# Add fzf completions scripts
junegunn/fzf path:shell/completion.zsh
junegunn/fzf path:shell/key-bindings.zsh
# Source everything in $ZDOTDIR/rc.d prior to wrapping up.
# These popular core plugins should be loaded at the end
zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions kind:defer
# vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et