import std/[httpclient, os, strformat, strutils, terminal, times] let aocCookie = getEnv("AOC_COOKIE") proc errQuit(msg: string) = stderr.styledWriteLine(fgRed, "AOCError", fgDefault, ": ", msg) quit 1 proc getInput(year, day: int): string = let url = fmt"{year}/day/{day}/input" var response: Response var client = newHttpClient() client.headers = newHttpHeaders({"Cookie": aocCookie}) try: response = client.request(url) finally: client.close() return response.body().strip() proc skeleton(day: int) = let solution = fmt""" import std/[strutils] const example* = slurp("example.txt").strip() const input* = slurp("input.txt").strip() proc parseInput(input: string) proc partOne*(input: string): int = 0 proc partTwo*(input: string): int = 0 when isMainModule: import std/unittest suite "day {day}": test "part one": check partOne(example) == 0 check partOne(input) == 0 test "part two": check partTwo(example) == 0 check partTwo(input) == 0 """ let d = fmt"solutions/day{day:0>2}" writeFile(d / "solution.nim", solution) proc newDay(year, day: int) = let d = fmt"solutions/day{day:0>2}" createDir d let input = getInput(year, day) if input.startsWith "Puzzle inputs differ by user.": errQuit "faild to get input check cookie environemnt variable, AOC_COOKIE" elif input.startsWith "Please don't repeatedly request this endpoint before it unlocks!": errQuit "don't abuse the service and make sure the day exists first" writeFile(d / "input.txt", input) skeleton(day) when isMainModule: import std/parseopt if not dirExists ".git": errQuit "only run from root dir of project" const help = """ ! -~*~- /!\ /%;@\ o/@,%\o /%;`@,\ o/@'%',\o '^^^N^^^` usage: aoc [opts] options: -d, --day int day of the month -y, --year int day of the year """ let today = now() var year = today.year day = parseInt(today.format("d")) for kind, key, val in getopt(): case kind of cmdArgument: discard of cmdLongOption, cmdShortOption: case key: of "y", "year": year = parseInt(val) of "d", "day": day = parseInt(val) of "h", "help": echo help; quit 0 of cmdEnd: discard echo "Fetching input for: " echo fmt" year -> {year}" echo fmt" day -> {day}" newDay(year, day)